I looked over his shoulder and giggled. "Let me reply" I said. He stood up and i placed myself on his chair and started to type.

Hello, this is Gerard's Boss, i would like you to know i can see all the e-mails sent to him and from him. So i'm asking you this once to not e-mail his work e-mail again. If you have a problem with this then e-mail me at:


Thanks you, have a nice rest of the evening.

The Principle

Gerard giggled behind me as i pressed send and i spun around in his chair. "That was fun" I laughed as i stood up and there was a ding from his laptop. It was Frank saying:

Oh my goodness, i'm so sorry Gee hehehehehe

I chuckled. "He's so stupid" i laughed and so did Gerard. The bell rang and i said goodbye before walking to the changing rooms for Gym.

I walked into the changing rooms and shrugged my uniform off, then pulling my gym clothes on.

I walked outside onto the field. "We're gonna be playing netball inside okay so everyone go into the sports gym" She directed and we all walked inside.

I was placed on the opposite team of the girls that beat me up and they served first. They passed it around until one of them got it. I was defending so i had my arms up and before i knew it, a ball connected with my face.

I went dizzy but quickly brushed it off, the other team one so my team had to do a lap of the field, so i went out to the field and started to run. i got about halfway around before i started to feel dizzy again. I started to slow down and the earth was spinning.

I started to sway and a couple of the girls ran up to me and grabbed my arms, putting them over their shoulders and carrying me towards the teacher.

"Miss, i thinks she's gonna pass out" One of them shouted. "Oh my goodness, she looks pale quickly take her to the nurse's office now" She said and the girls took me to the office.

I was lay down and my vision went black. I woke up and the nurse was changing a cold paper towel on my forehead. "Hey sweetie, can you tell me what happened ?" She asked.

"I- umm i- i was in gym, playing n-netball and i was smacked around the head with a ball, then i had to run a lap of the field." I then started to feel dizzy then two girls carried me to the teacher and she said to take me here" i mumbled as i sat up. "Okay, the principal will be here soon okay ?" She said. I nodded gently just as he walked in.

"Ahh miss L/N, how are you feeling ?" He asked. "I-i'm okay, just fell dizzy" i chuckled lightheartedly. He nodded. "Okay, i'm gonna give Mr. Way the rest of the day off, so he can take you home and look after you okay ?" He said and i nodded. "I've got the girls to retrieve your things from the locker room so he's going to be down here soon." He said.

I nodded and i sat up and my vision went blurry then i refocused my vision. "Here's some water sweetie" the nurse said handing me a small plastic cup. "Thanks" i said sipping it.

After about fifteen minutes, Mr. Way arrived. "Hey, how are you doing ?" He adele's picked my bags up. "Good..." i replied and he wrapped my arm around his shoulder and placing one hand on my hip.

He walked me out to the car and placed me in the passenger seat, then plugging me in. "I'm sorry Gee" i mumbled as he plugged himself in. "It's not your fault sweetie." He said as he put the key into the ignition and pulling out of the parking lot.

He drove down the road and it was silent until he pulled into the driveway. He opened his door, jumped out then shut it before walking over to my side and helping me out then grabbing my bags and walking me inside.

He chucked my bag onto the couch and took me upstairs to his room. He placed me on his bed and went into my room and grabbed my pyjamas and placed them next to me. "I'll make you a coffee and some food okay ?" He said rubbing my head then kissing my forehead.

I nodded and when he left i took my uniform off, dropped it onto his floor pulling pyjamas on. I lay down on his head and pulled the duvet over my shoulders.

He soon came back up with a sandwich and a mug of coffee, placing them on the bedside table. "Thanks Gee" i mumbled and he sat on the bed stroking my head. "Do you feel okay ?" He asked. I nodded and sat myself up picking the plate up and placing it in my lap the. picking the mug of coffee up and drinking it.

I ate the sandwich, little bites at a time along with small sips of coffee.

Once it was all finished, he took the dishes downstairs and came back up. He went into his closet and pulled a pair of sweatpants and a misfits tee out and i rolled over so he could get changed.

Once he had changed i turned back over and he grabbed his own laptop and lay next to me, i put my head on his chest and we watched some of 'The Vampire Diaries' before dinner.

We had watched a few episodes and Gerard went downstairs and bought some chips and cookies up. He may back down and we ate whilst watching Netflix.

He chucked the litter into the bin in the corner of his room and we watched a few more episodes until i had fallen asleep on his chest.

He turned the laptop off and wriggles down and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my forehead before falling asleep himself.

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