Chapter 2: Deployment

Comenzar desde el principio

Tai and Ruby finally reach their house. They walk inside, where a certain Brit is waiting.

John: Ruby! You're back!
Ruby: Yeah, I am.

The two hug each other... that is, until John notices Tai looking at them and immediately pulls away.

John: Uh, Mr. Xio Long.
Tai: It's fine, John. Ruby may or may not have let your little surprise slip.

Tai then decides to give the two some privacy and heads to the kitchen to start on dinner. John then looks at Ruby with a 'why?!' look.

Ruby: If it makes you feel better, I also told him about Alex and Yang.

John thought about that for a moment, and couldn't help but smile at the thought of Tai's interaction with Alex.

John: That actually does make me feel better.

Ruby and John then sat down on the couch. Ruby nestled her head in John's chest as his arms wrap around her.

Ruby: I'll be looking for you guys in the stands.
John: Well, you'll definitely see me.
Ruby: What do you mean?

John decide to explain the situation to Ruby.

John: General Ironwood asked us if we could train troops like we were trained on Earth. I told him that my training was outdated and the least suited for Remnant, so I'm allowed to stay. Alex is going to Mistral to teach troops how to fight in woodland terrain. And Arthur and Richard are going to Vaccuo. Arthur is training soldiers to fight in tropical terrain, and Richard is going to train them to fight in the desert. Ben is going with Arthur, and Nick is going with Richard to help Atlas maintain their naval ships in Vaccuo.
Ruby: What about team PEAC?
John: The General gave them the assignment of raiding multiple White Fang safe houses. They'll still be in Vale, but they won't be spectating the tournament.
Ruby: Oh... when do they leave?
John: Tomorrow. That's why Alex came here. To say goodbye to Yang.
Ruby: What about Arthur and Richard?
John: Well, they're obviously saying goodbye to Velvet and Coco.

Timeskip to the next morning...
Richard POV

My eyes are heavy, but I manage to slowly open them. I'm glad I did. I see the most beautiful sight I've ever seen.

A sleeping Coco Adel, who seems to be in perfect bliss. And the fact that she was on top of me was even better. He head was nestled in my chest as her delicate porcelain hands laid gently on my shoulders.

I look around the room and see our clothes on the floor, and I'm thankful that we're the only ones in the room.

Yes, our clothes were off as we slept. No, we did not have intercourse, which is why our underwear was still on. We did have a heated make out session last night, though. Yes, that means that tongue was used, though it was mostly hers in my mouth... don't know why I just told you that, but moving on.

I look up at the window. Though the curtains are closed, I can see the Golden morning sunlight peek through the crack.

I then look over to the clock and see that it's 0700. Thankfully there's no school during the festival so I-... wait, 0700? Crap... General Ironwood is deploying me and Arthur to Vaccuo in 5 hours.

I then turn my attention to my gorgeous sleeping girlfriend.

Me: Coco?


Me: Babe~?

Still nothing.

Me: Wakey-wakey~.

This time, Coco slowly stirs awake.

Me: Morning, cutey.

She just looks at me tiredly.

Coco: Your lucky you're both sexy and a nice guy, otherwise I'd tell you to hush and let me sleep on you a bit longer.
Me: You wouldn't get any objections from me.
Coco: Why are we waking up? There's no school during the festival, and my team already did our team match in the tournament.
Me: Yeah, but that's not stopping General Ironwood from shipping me off to Vaccuo to train his men.
Coco: Oh, right... I forgot that was happening.

The two of us then got out of bed and put our clothes on... after an hour of making out.

Arthur POV

Richard and I are on the landing pad waiting for the Bullhead to pick us up. It'll take us to the Airship that will transport us to Vaccuo.

Richard is saying his goodbyes to Coco. Meanwhile, Velvet is going over the list of what I have.

Velvet: Ammo?
Me: Yes.
Velvet: Medical supplies?
Me: Yes.
Velvet: Those silver food packets of yours? MREs, I think they're called?
Me: Regrettably, yes.
Velvet: What about-
Me: Velv, don't worry. I'll be fine.
Velvet: Right, just... be safe.
Me: I wouldn't have made it to the rank of Sargent if I wasn't.

She smiles. Then she wraps her arms around my neck as she presses her soft tender lips against mine.

When we finally end the kiss, Richard and I get the Bullhead.

3rd Person POV

Velvet and Coco watch as Bullhead flies towards the Airship.

Velvet: I hope they come back safe.
Coco: Me too. It's not often a nice guy is also good looking.
Velvet: I was going to say the same thing. And I think Yang also said something like that.
Coco: I wonder if that's a common thing for men on Earth?

The two watch as the Bullhead lands on the Airship.

Now, they can only pray that their lovers will stay safe.

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