Driving in Silence

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You slowly open your eyes as the morning sun peers through the window. You yawn wanting to hold onto the last few minutes of sleep you had until your alarm when off. Slowly you lean over to your phone to check the time to realize it was 7:30am. With a sudden burst of energy you pushed your weighted blanket aside and started to get ready for your day.

Slipping into your newly washed UA uniform, you ran downstairs to be greeted by a powered down All Might, standing there preparing breakfast for the two of you.

"Hi dad," you said with an eye roll.

"Hey Y/N I made you some pancakes today!" All Might said with a smile that stung both you and him.

You just ate a pancake and kept moving, not wanting to sit at the dinner table with your father and risk having to converse with him. You continued on your way to school, not talking or making eye contact with your father.

The drive to school felt like it would never end, you chose to sit in the back to avoid All Might.

Your relationship with your father was never the best, but it was to be expected when he never has any time for his only daughter/son. You felt as if you were a burden to your father. It was annoying never being able to show affection towards his super hero self in public because as he said it was

"too dangerous!" Pfft- too dangerous my ass! He even made time for that loser kid Izuku Midoriya, but not you?!


You were dropped off behind the school, so you could walk in without people thinking you had any relation to All Might. You walked into UA with your head hung low from lack of sleep, but suddenly stopped because you had bumped into someone. You removed your hair from in front of your face for your gaze to be met with none other than Izuku Midoriya's.

"WHATCH WHERE YOUR GOING BROCCOLI BOY?!" You yelled while watching the freckled boy become a sputtering mess.

Somehow he managed to spit out "I-I am so so sorry Y/N! It's all my fault!"

"You better be!" You barked as you continued on your way to class 1-J. Another thing to add onto the list of reasons as to why you hate your father! Your in the management course at UA because he wouldn't let you join the hero course, for the reason of it being "tO daNgErOus wItHouT A QuiRk!"


The school day felt as if it flew by in an instant. You weren't the worst student ever, but you never really payed attention in class. But you never really had to, learning just came easy to you!

After school you had to go straight home, as per usual. Your father had strict rules when it came to curfews. He never really gave you much freedom, but could you really blame him? He just didn't want you to end up like your mother, who you reminded him so much of. It was as if every time All Might looked at you he would have a bitter sweet feeling that made even the number one hero want to cry.

Once you got home you saw a note on the kitchen table that said

Sorry, I won't be home until late so I have some leftovers in the fridge if you don't want to make anything
Love Dadmight

You just rolled your eyes and shook off the feeling of being abandoned, it felt all too familiar to you at this point. You reheated the leftovers and headed to your bedroom, where you turned on your led lights to red and sat on your bed eating not fully reheated leftovers that you were to lazy to get up to finish reheating. Once you finished your leftovers you placed the plate on the nightstand next to your bed telling yourself you would clean it up later.

Knowing you would eventually drift to sleep you washed your face, brushed your teeth and got into your limited edition endeavour pj's that you loved to wear in the hopes that it might annoy your father. You set your alarm to wake you up at 6:30 knowing full well that you would just hit snooze and wake up at 7:30. You scrolled through TikTok just to waste some time before you inevitably would drift off. Liking one after another you hands started to lose speed and your eye became heavy. Knowing you were About to fall asleep you turned you phone off and closed your eyes.

As always you slowly opened your eyes as the morning sun peers through the window. You yawn wanting to hold onto the last few minutes of sleep you had until your alarm when off. Slowly you lean over to your phone to check the time to realize it was 7:30am. With a sudden burst of energy you pushed your weighted blanket aside and started to get ready for your day... Again.

Putting on your UA uniform you ran downstairs to be greeted by another note on the kitchen table.

I had to go into work early this morning but don't worry about a ride to school! Just ask Young Midoriya, I'm sure he will be more than happy to assist.
Love Dadmight

Being the stubborn person you are, you chose to walk to school instead! Knowing that if you didn't head out you would be late, you started on your walk to school! Slowly trudging your feet on the ground, shifting your weight back and forth to the beat of the song that played in your earbuds.

You just put your liked songs on repeat, so it was quite the random selection! One second you would be listening to Sweater Weather and then the next would be the Perry The Platypus Theme. No mater the song you still moved to the beat.

You were quickly pulled away from this trance when you looked up and saw a car with this woman frantically sticking her head out and seeming as if she was talking to you? Being polite and maybe just a bit curious you took out your earbuds to understand her better.

"Why are ya walking to UA from all the way over here?!" The lady said in a powerful voice. She knew you attended UA just based on your uniform

"Well uhhh- I need the exercise?" You responded trying to bring the conversation to a close.

"Get in!" She said gesturing towards her car.

"Wait what?" You said while tilting your head in confusion.

"Ugh, you make it sound like you want to kidnap this girl you old hag!" You heard a voice shout from the backseat of the car.

"JUST SHUT UP ALREADY!" The lady retorted.

"I'm sorry, my son I sorta BEING AN IDIOT RIGHT NOW! But if you want, I could drive you to UA since my son attends that school anyways!"

"Oh- I'm fine!" You said as you looked down at you phone and realized the time, "ACTUALLY, I would love to catch a ride with you, if it isn't a problem?" You said in a polite manner.

"It's not a problem at all!" The woman said as she unlocked her car door for you to get in.

A/N I will try to keep this story on going and write a new chapter once a week at minimum! I hope you like it so far <3

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