Chapter 5: Recovery and Thought

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Nagato was having terrible nightmares. Ever since he had passed out from the technique he had been plagued with the memory of the people he had killed to get to his goal that was ever so twisted. The one that he had been having the most was the death of his best friend, Yahiko. Even after all these years he still felt guilty for his death. Even if Yahiko had technically killed himself, it was still HIS kunai that had killed him. All that pain he had suffered to bring peace to the world, but instead left it to Naruto. He believed in him, he had that aura that said he could and that their master believed in him only strengthened his belief.

  He was broken from the nightmares and light shined into his ringed purple eyes when he awoke. He was about to lean up when he felt a weight on his right arm. He looked over to see Mine sitting on the side of the bed and holding on to his arm. The whole time he had been there she hadn’t even left for missions, passing it off as helping watch over the hideout. She had a new admiration for the man when he did a technique that had made him bedridden for a few days. Dare say, interest in him. Nagato used his other arm to wake the sleeping young woman. She stirred for a minute before waking and seeing him awake and well.

  Before he could even do anything he was tackled into a hug by the pinkette,”NAGATO!” she yelled. He was somewhat shocked but expected it a bit because of one reason. He wasn’t dense when it came to feelings for another and she really had feelings for him. He then chuckled internally at her actions.

   “Well isn’t this a nice sight to wake up to.” he said. Mine looked at his face and looked worried,”Nagato, your eyes…” Nagato looked at her,”It’s fine they’ve always been like this, I have been using an illusion to cover them,” he explained. He then asked a question,”Mine can you keep a secret?” she looked at him and nodded. “My eyes are why I have my current abilities. They are a rare power that little to no one can achieve. Where I'm from, only one other had ever done it within around 100 years that I know of.” Nagato went to explain the powers of the six paths he had shown them already and what they meant with his eyes. He’d tell about the others later

  Mine listened to him the entire time with interest, never spacing out. He finished and was left with a mildly confused and interested Mine. “Also how long was I out?”  She thought about it for a moment,”Around five days I think, our mission with Sheele is in two days.” she explained and he nodded. “Makes sense I won’t be able to use that technique again for a long time without serious repercussions. Even when I used it there was still a lot of strain and I barely scraped by death.” Mine looked at him with a shocked expression. “You said there was no chance of death!” she said in anger. “Reviving the dead always comes with a price, I was just lucky this time but I won’t be if I have to again.” he said with a sad smile.

  Mine was red-faced with either anger, a blush of admiration, or a mix of both. “You idiot… I was so worried “ she mumbled. “Sorry I worried you.” he apologized and hugged her and she hugged back. “Well, isn’t this a cute sight to see?” they look to the door to see Leone with a smug smirk. “Everyone’s been waiting for you to wake up and to come down, hurry up you two lovebirds~” As Leone left he pinkett turned into a sputtering mess with a mad blush. Nagato also had a blush on his pale skin but fought it back quickly.”Well let’s go.” he said with a sigh. He went to stand but nearly collapsed and MIne caught him. “Not a word.” Mine smirked as she helped him,”No can do Mr. Cripple.” Nagato released a defeated sigh.

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