Chapter 3: New Guys

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If Nagato could describe Night Raid, he would say they aren't what you would expect as assassins wanted by the capital. They were just like a family, or as Najenda put it, a dysfunctional little family. It was the day after he had joined and Nagato was talking to the other most recent member of Night Raid, who was named Tatsumi. They both woke up early and decided to watch the sunrise by his friends gravesNagato asked Tatsumi how he ended up in the assassin line of work.

Tatsumi looked at him and answered with a sad expression,"I originally wanted to join the Imperial army to make money for my village that is close to starvation. I had two friends with me but we got separated along the way and when I arrived at the capital I actually got scammed by Leone." he chuckled at that then continued. "I had been found by a noble and they took me in, then I ended up meeting Night Raid the same night. It was also the night my friends Sayo and Ieyasu died due to that same noble torturing them to death." Tatsumi started to tear up. "I was so disgusted I decided to join Night Raid and help stop the corrupted Capital!"

Nagato looked at him with interest and pity. "I'm sorry Tatsumi, I know how it feels to lose friends and loved ones." Tatsumi looked towards him,"Really?" Nagato nodded,"I lost my parents when I was 5 years old and lost my best friend in an ambush." Nagato's face saddened and Yahiko and Konan's faces appeared in his head. "I'm sorry for your loss Nagato,"Tatsumi said to his friend. "I'm also sorry for yours Tatsumi, you and I assume your friends were too young to be subjected to such torment." They looked at each other as if they formed a brotherly bond.

A moment later they were called to by Akame, "Come on you, you're helping make breakfast!" They nodded and headed towards the hideout.

Hideout Kitchen

Akame, Tatsumi, and Nagato were in the kitchen cooking breakfast for the rest of their group. Though Akame kept eating the ingredients, passing it off as "testing", much to the annoyance of Tatsumi. Nagato didn't really mind, in fact it reminded him of when he was with Yahiko and Konan when they were surviving as orphans. He smiled at that thought. "HAH, it's only right that the newbies are in the kitchen, well at least Nagato would be helpful with his abilities like the cannon. Tatsumi should still belong here, maybe even never leave. HAHA!" Mine cracked with Bulat and Sheele behind her and assumed they were going on a mission. Tatsumi grew a tick mark at that comment. Nagato only chuckled as he brought the group as he brought out some bento boxes with food in them.

Nagato smiled as he handed over the boxes, "Here's some lunches for you guys and good luck out there." Nagato said with a genuine smile. Mine blushed at this a bit before straightening herself,"Thanks newbie, at least one of you is making yourself useful." she said in a matter-of-factly tone. Tatsumi then looked gloomy and sad, everyone just laughed at the boy's antics. Akame then dragged both of them out towards the forest with baskets. "Today we are hunting prey." Akame said emotionlessly. "Where?" Tatsumi asked, confused. As soon as he asked they walked into a beautiful waterfall and pond in it. "Woah" both Tatsumi and Nagato said in awe at the place. "Today we are hunting underwater prey", She then started to strip revealing a swimsuit. Nagato kept a straight face while on the other hand became a sputtering mess until he realized what she was wearing.

"We are hunting Koga Tuna." Tatsumi looked confused for a second,"Aren;t those rare types of-" Tatsumi was cut short when Akame jumped from the ledge into the water and seconds later fish flew out of the water into one of the baskets. Akame poked her head out of the water and spoke,"You must erase your presence then strike" . Tatsumi then got up then started stripping down and yelled,"Let's do it!" He then dived in. Nagato just stared down and watched until Akame called out to him,"Nagato come on, we need enough for all of us!" Nagato then smirked at Akame,"You want to see something cool?" he asked them. "Wha-" Tatsumi was cut short when Nagato yelled out,"UNIVERSAL PULL!" As he shouted, a big school of tuna was pulled out of the water at once and into Nagato's basket. Tatsumi and Akame looked at him with awe in their eyes. "How did you do that? A Teigu?"Akame asked and Nagato looked confused,"What's a Teigu?"

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