Chapter 2: Conflict and New Friends

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  Darkness was all around him, except his small camp he had made that was in an open area for moonlight to shine into. He was growing hungry so he now has to hunt for food. ‘Hopefully this forest had wild boar or deer of a sort to eat.' he thought to himself. Nagato was walking through the darkness, but with his enhanced senses it was no problem to do so. It was a full moon that night so the moon shined through the trees and leaves so some light hit the ground.

  He had undone his genjutsu that was hiding his eyes so he could spare his chakra. When walking he saw glints in the moonlight and when getting closer realized what they were. “Wires? Are they hunter traps?”, he thought aloud. He created a chakra rod out of his sleeve then poked the wire spreading across the ground. Nothing happened.  “Must be a dud trap...”, he muttered. Then realized,"Or a way of surveillance!" He calmed down and decided to just stay calm and kept walking, staying vigilant the entire way.


Night Raid Hideout

  The assassins of Night Raid had finished welcoming Tatsumi to their little dysfunctional family. Everyone was happily conversing with each other and planning on what he could do in the future for them. Then when Lubbock feels a disturbance on his wires he alerts everyone,”Guys, I feel something on my wires!” Everyone looked towards him and Najenda was the first to ask what they all wanted to know. "How many?"

  Lubbock then announced his estimation,“Only one it seems like.” Najenda then looked towards the group and yelled,”Alright, you know what to do. This is most likely an Imperial spy so eliminate him and report back, this will also show Tatsumi what we are all about!” “YEA!”, the group shouted and went to their designated areas.


Cliff Edge

  Mine up on a cliff not too far from the base watching over the edge looking for the intruder. She then spotted him wandering the edges of the barrier, “So, he’s at the edge looking for a way in huh? Not for long. Also he is dressed really weird. A black cloak with weird-looking sandals? And are his eyes purple with circles? Whatever, not like it will matter when he gets blasted to nothing!” She then fires the shot meant to kill the target.


Nagato’s Location

  As Nagato was walking along the wires path to better see what it’s guarding. But, as he was going on his way his instincts told him to react. That was all he needed so when he turned around his arm changed into an advanced energy cannon of sorts,”ASURA ATTACK!”, he shouted. The cannon then fired and destroyed the last means to kill him. He spotted where the attack came from and decided to go confront whoever fired that shot.


Cliff Edge

  “WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?”, Mine shouted. “What happened Mine?” asked Sheele, clad in her usual purple and a confused expression. “The guy turned his arm into an energy cannon similar to Pumpkin! HIS DAMN ARM!!” she responded loudly and in shock. Sheele looked even more confused than before. “Uhhhh, are you sure Mine?” she asked, concerned about her friend's mental health. “I know what I saw Sheele!” The argument was cut short when Nagato levitated near the duo using the power of the Deva Path out of seemingly nowhere.

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