After all that I had seen and done that night, I was surprised at the cold bolt of fear that shot through my veins at his words. No matter what happens now... only the beginning.

    He must have seen something in Angelo's face, still hidden from my view, because suddenly Ambrose was laughing once again, "You were supposed to be my clever child, you mean you haven't put it together yet?"

    There was a moment of silence, then Angelo swore quietly. His father's smile widened, baring all of his teeth, "Now you understand."

     "You did it, didn't you?" Angelo's head shook slowly, as if he were reluctant to accept whatever it was that he had realized, "That explains all of the new recruits, I knew Antonio and Andre weren't nearly charming enough to bring in so many on their own." 

    "I did," his father said, smug.

    "He's a madman."

    "He's a visionary. Together, we will change the world."

    "Angelo..." I said quietly, unable to form my question further. I didn't understand what they were talking about– who they were talking about– or how it correlated with the events tonight. But, I knew that whatever it was would be bad. Very bad.

    He glanced back at me, a somber look in his eyes. "This whole time we've assumed that he was the mastermind behind the assault on your people, but we couldn't have been more wrong. He's the leader of the Blood Fangs, sure, but he's just a general. He's following orders like the rest of them."

    "But then who's–"

    His father cut me off, "The King of the Free Lands."

    "A heretic," Angelo said a moment later, "and if he's involved, then this truly is only the beginning, and whatever he has planned will make what happened this year seem like a child's game." The sobbing behind me grew louder.

    "So, you see," Ambrose said, something akin to glee ringing in his gravelly voice, "even if, by some miracle, any of you survive the night, you won't last a single year against his full might. I've all but proven that."

    "You've proven nothing," I grit out, wishing I could send my sword swinging clean through his neck and put an end to the whole ordeal.

    His father only smiled, that twisted smile that promised pain and torment. With a half-step to the side, Angelo blocked me from his view. "You should end this now, father. Return to your master, you've made your point."

    "I will end this now," his father said, using his dagger to point to the far wall behind us, "by killing all of them."

    Angelo released a deep breath, "You know I can't let you do that."

    "So be it."

    On some silent command, the remaining Blood Fang charged at Franco. I turned to help him, but then Angelo took a step closer to his father, and my feet halted. My direction changed, bringing me to Angelo's side. When our eyes met, I gave him a short nod, raising my sword. We could take on his father together, we could beat him together.

    But he gave me a sad shake of his head, "I need to do this."


    He cut me off with a kiss, catching my chin in his hands and slamming his lips to mine. It lasted only seconds, but somehow, through it he communicated everything I needed to know. This was his fight, his alone, and he would not back down, nor would he accept my help. He knew what he was risking, and what the cost of victory would be– patricide. If he wanted to survive, he would have to kill his own father. Ambrose had left him no other choice.

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