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The years flew away from them and before they knew it Summer was 6 years old. She had grown into such a bubbly, little girl with the same personality as Meredith whilst looking like Derek. With her curls cascading down her back, her eyes being a piercing blue and freckles decorated her face.

"Mommy, when is daddy coming to get me?" Summer asked as she twirled round in the kitchen causing her dress to float up. Meredith stood there nursing a warm cup of tea.

"He should be here shortly, he just had to go and drop something off at work and then you will go out for your daddy-daughter date." She placed her mug down and made her way into the living room with Summer, she took her time fixing her hair into two french braids.

Derek entered the front door and walked into the living room. "Where are my two favourite girls?"

Summer yelled with glee and ran straight into Derek's arms. Meredith rolled her eyes before pushing herself off the sofa before making her way into Derek's arms.

"Hey Der, I really need to talk to you, can you come into the kitchen with me?" Meredith smiled and leaned up to look at Derek.

"Hmm yeah of course, Summer go play in the living room for a minute, mommy and daddy just need to talk quickly." He placed Summer down watching as she ran into the living room before following Meredith into the kitchen.

"Mer, what's the matter? Are you ok?" Derek was worried at first but then it turned into confusion as he swore the smile spread across Meredith's face and had her hands behind her back.

"So you know how I haven't been feeling too great these past few days? Yeah well, things started adding up and I realised, well what I'm trying to say is, you know what I will just show you." Meredith pulled her arms from behind her back and held up the item in her hands in front of her.

Derek reached out and took it from her hands to inspect the item more closely.

"Meredith, does this mean what I think it means?" He looked up at Meredith and saw her frantically nodding her head.

"Yes." Derek ran and wrapped his arms around her spinning her around before placing her back on the ground. "We are having another baby." They leaned in and shared a kiss.

"Daddy, come on, stop kissing mommy and let's go. It's a daddy, daughter day." Summer said before storming into the kitchen, trying to force Meredith and Derek apart, causing them both to laugh. Meredith reached down and ran her hand over Summers curls. Derek reached down and switched her round, so was now resting on his back, with her hands wrapped around his neck.

"Say goodbye to mommy, we will be back later." He leaned down and kissed her again before turning to leave, letting her kiss Summer before heading off.

"Bye mommy, love you." Summer shouted from the door, before she heard the click of the door, letting her know that they had left.

Meredith made her way upstairs and looked at the spare room that would soon become a nursery. After getting back together, they had moved into a 4 bedroom house with a huge garden, which allowed them to set up a play area for her including a swing. She turned to leave and headed downstairs to start cleaning up, before she interrupted by the knocking of the door.

She walked up to the door and was surprised to see Amy there.

"Amy, hey, what are you doing here?" She wrapped her in her arms. Since heading off to college and eventually, medical school, Meredith hadn't seen much of Amelia. But they made sure to video call all the time so Summer could see her.

" I had some free time, so thought I'd pop in to say hi, where is Summer? Where are you hiding her?" She looked round the room, aware of the silence.

"Oh, her and Derek are out for one of their daddy, daughter days, they do it at least once a month, they always have. But you should stay for dinner tonight." Meredith offered Amelia.

"Ahh, yeah of course I'd love to stay for dinner. Mer, is something going on? You look like really happy? Like glowing?" Meredith laughed, forgetting how well Amelia could read Meredith.

"I should have known you would known something was up, I was hoping to have Derek with me when I was telling you this but, well I'm..."

Amelia interrupted before Meredith could finish her sentence. "Oh my god, are you engaged? Finally!" She jumped up and clapped her hands.

Meredith shuck her head and laughed. "No we are not engaged Amelia, not yet, will have to speak to your brother about that one but it's good news. I'm pregnant."

Meredith watched as Amelia's eyes filled with tears and she took her seat next to Meredith again. Amelia wrapped her arms around Meredith and smiled massively at Meredith.

"Mer, that's amazing news! Oh my god, another niece or nephew. Does mom know?" Amelia's eyes filled with tears of joy. She watched as Meredith shook her head.

"No, your the first person I've told, beside Derek." Meredith watched as Amelia clapped her hands with excitement before she started asking her loads of questions.

Derek walked through the door and found Meredith and Amelia gossiping together, as usual. Summer ran in and dived straight into Amelia's arms. Meredith stood up and cuddled into Derek's side. They smiled together, they were a family. They couldn't wait for the new addition to join the family and they would finally be complete.

7 months later they were back in the hospital, ready to meet their newest addition. Meredith was in the hospital bed and was currently pushing. Sweat was collecting on her forehead as Derek whispered encouraging words into her ear, with Carolyn holding her hand on the other side.

"Ok Meredith, baby's head is out. We are so close to meeting the new little one." Dr Deluca said as Meredith prepared to push once again.

"Come on Meredith dear, you can do this." Carolyn encouraged as she wiped a cool, damp cloth across her forehead.

Meredith groaned loudly before feeling the pressure release as she felt the baby finally come out. She dropped her head back against the bed and listened as their baby took their first breathe and let a loud cry. Derek leaned down and kiss her forehead and wiped the tears from his eyes. Carolyn patted at her tears with her tissue, she couldn't believe she had another grandchild to spoil.

"Meredith congratulations! You have a little boy." Dr DeLuca said as she placed the baby on Meredith's chest. Derek and Meredith turned and looked at each before looking at their little boy. Their family was officially complete.

Once everyone was cleaned up and checked over, Meredith sat in the bed cradling their little boy. Carolyn had left to collect Summer. Derek stood next to her and ran his finger across his sons face. His son. He truly believed his dad had sent him his little boy.

"Liam Michael Shepherd." He heard Meredith whisper.

Summer entered the room where Derek lifted her up and placed her on the bed, introducing her to her little brother. After everything this is exactly where they wanted to be, their family was complete. Life had thrown it's fair share of challenges their way but they came out of it even stronger. They were stronger together.

So this story is officially finished, I can't believe it! Thank you for all the love, I really hope you enjoyed this story, I am actually sad it's over now!

I do have another story called 'Neighbours' go check out if you like! Once again Thankyou so much for reading!!

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