Movie night pt. 2

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Altogether they decided that they would watch 'IT', this wasn't the top choice for most of the girls but the lads wanted the chance to mess with them. Beer bottles were opened and scattered around the room, popcorn, sweets, chips, and everything else was placed on the table half eaten.

Meredith was still placed in Derek's lap but was cuddled tighter into him now.
"Hey Derek, come into the kitchen with me real quick, I need to speak to you?" Meredith said as she leaned into him and gently nibbled his ear lobe. Derek had a feeling he know where this was going but didn't want to get his hopes up.
Without hesitation they both quietly got up and made their way into the kitchen hand in hand.

Once they reached the kitchen, Meredith jumped up onto the counter and Derek placed himself in between her legs with his hands going straight to her waist.
"Hey, so how come you dragged me out of there and in to here?"
Pressing a kiss to his lips, she said
"I wanted some alone time to do this, without the vultures watching."
The kiss slowly started getting more passionate, both of them begin to moan. Meredith's legs where now wrapped tightly around his waist and her body was pressed against his chest. Allowing him to notice that was no longer wearing a bra.

"Mmm, Mer when did you take the bra off? I mean I like it, easy access and all but if I catch any else looking then I can't help what I'll do to them."
"Jealousy Derek, it's ugly trait but it's so hot, especially on you."
Together they both leaned in and started kissing again, the more passionate it got the more Derek's body would react. They knew they couldn't do what they wanted to do right now but they couldn't stop either.

"Come on, come this way Derek."
She hopped off the side,grabbed his hand and dragged him into the pantry. As soon as the door was shut, Meredith started to loosen the ties on his tracksuit bottoms. She slowly tugged them down, taking his boxers with them. Derek knew he should stop her but he couldn't, his body was too far gone at this point. Her eyes where full of lust.

"Meredith, are you sure you want to do this?"
"Yes Derek, I'm sure now be quiet."
She slowly got down on to her knees and was now eye level with Derek's penis. He was well gifted in that department, and Meredith was a very lucky girl.

Without hesitation, Meredith stuck her tongue out and licked the pre cum that had formed at the tip. Bit by bit she took every inch of him into her mouth, slowly she started bopping her heads up and down. Derek grabbed a hold of her hair and began to thrust his hips. Light groans started coming from his mouth. Before he knew it his abdomen started to tighten and he knew it wouldn't be long until he was going to cum. Meredith also sensed this and she started to speed up.

"Mer,I'm goi-, I'm going to cum,I cannot stop." With that he exploded into Meredith's mouth and grounded loudly. He watched as she swallowed him professionally. Too soon it was over and she was pulling his trousers back up and was now eye level with him again.
"Holy shit, Mer that was amazing, I owe you one."
Meredith laughed, "yeah you do, but come on we better get back before they notice we are missing." She reached up kissed him and opened the door and together they made their way back to the living room.

They took their place back on the sofa, just as they film was finishing, so the put on another one. Before they knew it the night had got away from them, they had laughed, joked and truly to got to know Meredith even better, but eventually it was time to say goodbye. Meredith said her goodbye to the girls after they had organised to go surfing the next day if it wasn't raining. Eventually it was just Mark, Derek and Meredith left behind.
"Look Mer, I've got to go home tonight but I'll see you tomorrow, alright?"
"Derek it's fine look, here's my number,just text me later ok."
Derek pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head.
"Come on Derek, mom's waiting and you know she doesn't like to wait."
"I'm coming,calm down. Bye Mer."
"Bye Der."

They had one last kiss, before waving goodbye and Meredith shut the door and made her way inside to clean up. Mark and Derek made their way down the street, laughing and joking until they eventually raced home. They got home just in time for dinner, as sad as it sound he was already missing Mer. So he dropped her a text to tell he got home and that he would see her tomorrow.
Tomorrow was a new day and he couldn't wait to see what it would bring.

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