The Doctor is In (Hotch/Reid/Reader)

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cw// dom reader, switch spencer, sub hotch, handjobs, anal fingering, mentions of medical procedures, unethical medical practice (100% consensual) 

Aaron Hotchner hated the doctor's office. He hated the smell, the bright lights, the plain white walls, and the paperwork. Most of all, he hated the doctors themselves. His old physician insisted that the pain he felt in his abdomen was just in his head and wouldn't listen to anything he had to say. He hopes his new doctor will be better.

He sits on the table, feet just barely off the floor, as the nurse takes his blood pressure. He resists the urge to roll his eyes when she instructs him to slip off his shoes so he can be weighed. 180 pounds, just like always.

This is a waste of time, Aaron thinks to himself.

As the nurse leaves, her obnoxiously large laptop in hand, she tells him the doctor will be in shortly and that he should get undressed. When the door clicks shut, Aaron audibly groans as he looks at the paper gown on the table next to him.

He swallows his pride and pulls his charcoal gray t-shirt over his head and throws it onto the chair by the door before doing the same with his pants. Now he is down to his navy blue briefs and the cold office air makes him shiver. He puts his arms through the gown in hopes that will offer any kind of warmth, but it seems to make him colder.

There are two sharp knocks on the door before it is being pushed open. He is surprised to see that the doctor is a young woman, but also because she is being trialed by an even younger man.

"Good afternoon, Agent Hotchner. I'm Dr. Y/l/n and this is my assistant, Spencer Reid. He will be shadowing me during this exam if that's alright with you?"

"Um..." Aaron looks between the two of them, unconsciously profiling them, "That's fine."

"Wonderful. So, you're here for a physical, correct?" she asks.

"Yes, I need my yearly physical."

She turns to the younger man whose eyes have been scanning Aaron since he entered.

"This is a pretty routine exam, I think you can take the lead on this."

The man, Spencer, nods before stepping over to the sink to wash his hands.

When he dries them, he takes two blue rubber gloves from the box on the counter and puts them on. They're small as Aaron assumes they are meant to fit your hands. The latex stretched tight across his knuckles and the tendons on the back of his hands. Aaron can't help but stare.

Spencer walks up to the edge of the table and a confused expression takes over his sharp features.

"The nurse should have instructed you to get fully undressed. We can step out of the room if you'd like," the doctor says.

Aaron shakes his head, figuring they're going to see it all anyway, so he might as well get it over with.

He slides off of the table and pulls down his underwear. He tosses them onto the chair with the rest of his clothes before he retakes his seat.

In this position, the head of his cock is visible underneath the hem of the down. It rests flaccid against his thigh and though he isn't small, this level of exposure would be embarrassing for anyone.

Neither the doctor nor Spencer seem to take notice of his situation. Instead, they continue on like professionals.

Spencer takes an otoscope out of the pocket of his shirt and proceeds to check Aarons's pupils, ears, throat, and nose.

"How does he look, Spencer?" the doctor asks.

"He looks good," Spencer says breathily. A moment later, his words seem to register in his mind and he corrects himself. "His throat, ears, and nose look clear. His left eye was a little slow to react to the light, but that's not uncommon for a man his age."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2021 ⏰

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