The Haunted Studio

Start from the beginning

Queen Mari: Tyrone ring a bell

Raven: no

Queen Mari: your cold hearted

Raven: And your in love with fictional characters!

*ThUnDeR NoIsEs*

Elizabeth*comes in running like she lost her phone charger* ahhhhhhhhh

Tony: And she's back...I'm just going back to-

Kitty Noir: *grabs his arm* You are staying here!

Queen Mari: i sent you home!!

Elizabeth. 1. You have a nice mirror and 2. What was that sound

Tony: This studio is haunted

Raven: a thunderstorm


Kitty Noir: What? Can't take the heat?

Queen Mari:*start uncontrollably laughing*

Kitty Noir: *falls to the floor from laughing so hard*

Raven: ummm whats so funny

Queen Mari:*whips a tear away* well i'm laughing because her name is kitty noir cats go into heat she said can't take th heat- Also Elizabeth-you hair

Kitty Noir: Cat puns for free by that Queen of cats! But you have to pay $5 for gimme *holds out her hand for money*

Elizabeth: 1. Whats wrong with my hair and 2. We have to pay you to tortuer us

Kitty Noir: Yeah pretty much! Ya gotta pay $100 so I don't torture ya! Either way...gimme me money

Elizabeth: and your ok with this?

Queen Mari: i mean i think its a good idea-its better then her stealing

Kitty Noir: VERY I steal money in a different way! Now gimme!

Elizabeth: I'm out..oh wait Tony i borrowed your hair brush and shampoo

Kitty Noir: gimme gimme gimme

Queen Mari: no your staying you had the chance to leave now pay her before she starts getting physical

Kitty Noir: *bouncing around singing* gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme

Queen Mari: wait..*takes out a credit card* here kitty i took Elizabeth's card yesterday

Kitty Noir: I only take CASH MONEY!

Elizabeth: that's my Golden card- it's one of a kind give it back

Queen Mari: no its kittys now

Kitty Noir: Ya know what I think I do take credit! *snatches it from Queenie* MINE!

*ThUnDeR NoIsEs*

Kitty Noir: *drops the card and screams* WE STILL HAUNTED! TAKE TONY! HE WASN'T GONNA SURVIVE LONG ANYWAY!

Tony: Hey!

Queen Mari: calm down

*clowns start laughing*



Kitty Noir: You're 18. You've lived a full life!

Queen mari: yea *sniffs* i haven't touched a lion or a tiger yet

Tony: -_- how about it takes someone else who has experienced life to the fullest!

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