Kitty Noir: We never established who we are bringing...

Queen Mari: oh...the people you named i guess?


Queen Mari:JONAS!!!!!!!!

Kitty Noir: *shrugs* sure whatever...

Queen Mari:*pulls those squishy chairs chair out of my pocket*

Kitty Noir: *sits in it*

Queen Mari:heyyyy thats for Nick

Kitty Noir: I wanted it!

Queen Mari:*roles eyes and pulls out another* so weird

Kitty Noir: true...

Queen Mari: *pulls out a plate of cookie lemon squares* yummy..want one

Kitty Noir: SUGAR! *snatches them*

Queen Mari: this is why I don't share food*pulls out a new plate

Kitty Noir: *Takes it too* You aren;t allowed to have sugar REMEMBER! MINE!

Queen Mari:*pulls out sugar free cookie*

Kitty Noir: *stares at it* ew...

Queen Mari:*sighs* life with braces

Kitty Noir: I had em...and ya know I ate everything I wasn't supposed to anyway!

Queen Mari: yea i know!!! I miss candy it's been *look at watch* a day~24 hours!!!!

Kitty Noir: I would have never survived that...ANYWAY WE ARE GETTING OFF TRACK! *poofs Liv, Maddie, Parker, Josh, Joey, Karen, Pete and WIllow...oh and whoever is in the Jonas cast*

Queen Mari: NICK-

Kitty Noir: -ELODEON!

Queen Mari: ...what? No...NICK!!!

Nick: hi?!?!

Kitty Noir: ..hello!

Queen Mari:*sitting on nicks lap/touching Joes hair*

Kitty Noir: *Rolls her eyes and drags Queenie across the room* What did I tell you about sitting in fandom people's laps?

Queen Mari:*mumbles* not to do it

Kitty Noir: Correct! Now stop before I trap you in the cube

Kevin: I think she should be free

Kitty Noir: No one cares about your opinion!

Stella: Rude

Kitty Noir: *shrugs* If you weren't included in the conversation I pulled Queenie across the room to have with her privately...then I don't care about your opinion.

Queen Mari:nooooo

Parker: I like this one

Kitty Noir: *smiles*

Liv: wow

Karen: where are we?!?!?

Kitty Noir: We kidnapped y'all from your show! Dis is our studio where we just do random stuff with ya!

Karen: Do your parents know about this?!

Kitty Noir: I dunno about Queenie BUT MINE SURE DON'T!

Queen Mari: nope!

Karen: Well I should call your parents

Kitty Noir: You could try! I can assure you, you won't be able to reach you're fine! We give you right back when we are done with you!

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