Hermione: ron tell me you arn't THAT stupid

Kitty Noir: I can make a compelling argument against that! XD

Ron: that was rigged

Fed: i say your naturally stupid

George: as do i

Queen Mari: ahh the great due

Kitty Noir: *Is now confuzzled*

Queen Mari: the prank due.

Kitty Noir: *Still confuzzled*

Queen Mari: ughh watch this

Queen Mari: see

Red: we are cleaver

George: we are arn't we

Hermione: is is just outrageous not only-


Draco: hey!!



Kitty Noir: Not true! I watched one movie!

Queen Mari: who are harry potters bestfriends

Kitty Noir: oh the girl and the boy...I don't know their names

Queen Mari: Which boy

Kitty Noir: I dunno...how many are there? Da girl with the cool hair and red head guy...

Queen Mari: thats it im done!

Kitty Noir: Wait wait I watched one video...its dat guy *Points at Ron* and then the other girl...Hermione right?

Queen Mari:*sits down* correct

Kitty Noir: I knew it!

Queen Mari: ok draco do you like harry

Draco: of course not who would like him

Kitty Noir: pfft

Harry Potter: whats that supoused to me

Draco: it means i wouldn't date a loser like you pohta

Kitty Noir: *Dying of laughter*

Hermine: well harry wouldn't date you either

Kitty Noir: *Still dying of laughter*

Ron: yea!

Harry: *looks at them weirdly*

Queen mari: now harry its very clear that you LOVEEEEE your best friends younger sister gin

Ron: what no way gin likes him he would never do that to me right

Harry: gin is like a sister

Queen Mari: oh really watch this


Kitty Noir: Oh wow Potter

Harry potter: what-i-how-why

Kitty Noir: hehe

Hermine: HARRY!! How could you do that to ROn

Queen Mari: now Hermine you shouldn't be talking, kissing your best friend

Hermine: i would never kiss Harry

Queen Mari: its not harry you kissed

Harry and ron* they look at each other then at her* what

Hermine: but that means

Queen Mari: you...kissed...Ron Weasley

Hermine: noo

Kitty Noir: I confuzzled...I thought they were married or somethin...idk I only get my information from friends who talk non-stop about it...

Queen Mari: i would show but i have a wayyyy better idea*turns to camera* at the end of the show ill add a link to my playlist OF ALL MY FAVORITE HARRY POTTER MOMENTS!!!!
Ron: you have a playlist

Queen Mari: Yup!

Harry: of us

Draco: don't flatter yourself harry im sure there all videos of me

Kitty Noir: *slams her head on a table* Nooooo

Queen Mari: actually i started the playlist for draco...soooo.....

Kitty Noir: Do I have to watch those too? These ones bored me enough

Queen Mari:*roles my eyes* oh one of these days your going to watch all the harry potter movies with me

Kitty Noir: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHY QUEENIE WHYYYYYYYYMUST YOU TORTURE ME? I already watched The Order of Phoenix because it was my grade and I hated itttttt

Queen Mari: no were going to watch the one with drama and action

Kitty Noir: Action?

Queen Mari: Yup!

Kitty Noir: Real fight scenes?

Queen Mari: well with wands and magic

Kitty Noir: BORING!

Queen Mari: Harry potter gets attacked by a ghost

Harry: demeter...and i could have died

Kitty Noir: HA! Pathetic...such a shame ya didn't...

Ron: he also got attacked by a giant plant

Harry: RON!

Kitty Noir: How are these things even real?!

Queen Mari: *shrugs*

Kitty Noir: uck...I just don't find Harry Potter interesting...no offense Potter...

Harry Potter: you seem rude and mean...no offense Noir

Kitty Noir: None taken, I can be when ya get on my bad side...Queenie knows dis...

Queen Mari: i can't tell the difference between your good side and bad side

Kitty Noir: ...hmmm...how me and Ash would fight all the time at the beginning to how we became friends in the end...ish...XD

Queen Mari: i mean i used to punch him a lot and hid the ball so he'd go around acting like he lost he puppy

Kitty Noir: ...all I did was tackle him and he called a foul every time so...you make me seem nice sometimes...it's crazy...

Queen Mari:*shrugs*

Kitty Noir: yeah...so we done for today?

Queen Mari: YEP!

Kitty Noir: Alrighty thats all for todays show! We love you all so much! BYEEEEEEEEEE!

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