iii. disciplining the maids

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Isis stepped out of her room, her face and tone flat and emotionless. She coldly scanned the room. There were seven maids in total. They were huddled together whispering, and when Isis had entered the room, they didn't bother to try and hide their contempt and disdain towards her.

"What a pity she woke up," a maid whispered with a snicker. "It had been so much more peaceful without having to see her disgusting image."

"I suppose the poison wasn't strong enough," another said loudly. "What a shame, it was expensive."

Isis's lip curled in revulsion. They didn't even bother to cover up the fact that they were the culprits who nearly murdered her. How impudent. It was time they learned who their real mistress was.

"I said, give me something to eat," Isis said coldly. "Why aren't you doing anything?"

"Your Grace," a maid stood up, crossing her arms with a sneer. Ah, yes. She was the head maid, wasn't she? "There is no food we can serve you. So, why don't you just—"

"Do I look like I care?" Isis's eyes drilled calmly into the head maid's eyes. "How dare you speak that way to me? Do you think that just because you treat me in which ever way you please, you are superior to me? I am the daughter of a Duke, and you are a maid. Who do you think you are?"

The maids silenced, looking shocked. Isis was a meek, stupid girl. How could she possibly be standing up to them right now?"

The head maid's fingers curled into fists. "My Lady. Do not speak so—"

"What is your name?"

The head maid bit her lip harshly, glaring at Isis as she was once again cut off.

"It's Maurice," she said through clenched teeth.

"Your Grace," Isis said in a tone that suggested she was talking with a toddler, a chilling smile spreading across her lips.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm your master. I'm the daughter of a noble. So you must address me as such, understood?"

"Very well," Maurice forced out. "Your Grace."

It was obvious that she was about to explode with anger. Isis smirked, her dazzling amethyst eyes glowing. 'I just need to push her a little further.'

"Get me food, now," Isis smiled. "I'm hungry."

Maurice forced an insincere smile on her face. "With all due respect, Your Grace, lunch time has past, so we don't have any."

Isis smiled, but inside, she was sneering. 'Like I'll fall for that. You have no good because lunchtime past? What kind of lame excuse is that?'

"Very well," Isis said, sitting down at a table. "Well then, what are you waiting for?" she directed this at not only Maurice, but at the other six maids. "Make me food then. Preferably lightly sautéed braised beef cooked medium rare with a cup of black tea. I'm not asking for much."

The maids snapped out their stupor to shoot her hateful glares. They hurried away whispering fiercely amongst themselves.

"Pfft..." Minnie burst into laughter, popcorn spilling out of her lips. "If only I was allowed to turn visible in front of those humans, I could throughly humiliate them. The looks on their faces!"

"It's not over yet," Isis murmured, resting her palm in her chin. "They won't concede so easily, Minnie. Aren't you the goddess of wisdom? They're the ones who have abused the former Isis all of her life. They won't admit defeat just like that."

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