|13| red

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i woke up this morning to mum storming into my room.

"y/n wake up." she said shaking me.

"oh my goodness. what. what!" there must of been something wrong because of the urgency in her voice.

"you got a callback. they want you to come in right away." she said opening the curtains in my room.

"wait really" i said now in a seated position in my bed.

"yes now hurry. i know i should have woke you sooner"

i got up quickly now and got dressed. i put on a light blue sundress and put my hair up into a ponytail.

her chef prepared me some blueberry muffins and i had to take it for the road.

the driver drove us to the same place auditions were held. i walked inside and william, along with 3 other girls were there.

"ah y/n. your here. we may begin now" reese said bringing me over to the group.

"alright y/n this is emily, ava, and evalyne." i waved to the girls. i don't recognize them. maybe they aren't famous. idk.

william came up to me and squeezed my arm. i guess i was a bit uptight. i really want this role.

"alright ladies we are going to have you guys go over another scene with william and then one on your own. you all were definitely our favorite candidates for the role but we need more in order to make a decision."

we each were given scripts and 10 mins to run through it. evalyne went in first. when she was done she didn't look very happy. this made me nervous.

the other two girls went in one after another when it was my turn i got up and went in.

"alright. we are going to do you alone first then will is going to join us. please introduce yourself like last time."

"hello, i'm y/n styles. i'm 16 years old and auditioning for america singer."

"go ahead"

i went over the lines speaking to reese once again who was reading as america's sister may.

"cut. wonderful job miss styles. WILL you may come in now."

william walked in. it was now time for another scene. it was the scene where america and maxon are "meeting" for a second time.

"sorry for hitting you yesterday. it's just some things people had told me."

"what did they tell you."

"not to say no-"

"is this way everyone thinks."

"i dont know but it just scared me"

we continued on with the scene. i tried to pour as much into it as i could. i love the books. this is pretty much my dream role.

"cut. amazing guys. we will meet again in about an hour with our decisions. for now. feel free to leave and come back or maybe grab something to eat. we will contact you."

will and i left the room to where the others were.

"want to go to in and out?" will said walking over to them.

"ooo sure i haven't ever had it before." ava said excitedly

"really" i said.

"yeah. i'm from the east coast. we don't have it there."

i guess others traveled for the role too. too bad that only one of us will get it in the end.

we went to in and out and came back when reese called.

Young and in Love | Louis Partridge Where stories live. Discover now