|8| flashing lights

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today was the day. i was still somewhat tired from the party yesterday but today i had something different to focus on. the vogue shoot. my mom came in my room to help me get ready. i put on float pants and a tee shirt to make sure i would not have any lined on my legs or arm. louis came to my window  "hey you" he kissed me. "hey" i said. "are you ready" i sighed "i'm nervous. i wish you could be there" he smiled "why not" i looked at him "wait really?" he laughed "of course. i wouldn't miss it for the world." i can't believe he would do this for me "you might want to go to the front door. can't bust the window passage" he laughed and went out the window. a couple seconds later i heard the doorbell ring. my dad got to it before me "hey lou what's up." shoot "hello mr styles. y/n invited millie and i to come to the shoot" i looked behind him and there was millie. smart. "ah yes. hello millie. y/n is upstairs. she should be down in a minute" i came downstairs "hey lou, hey mil" my dad walked away. "smart. thanks mil. you can actually come if you want" her face lit up "REALLY" i laughed "yes really".


we arrived at the shoot. right away i was taken into hair and makeup. millie excitedly watched and louis conversed with me to stop my boredom. "so are you ready" i hummed "mhm". my stylist told me to try not to talk because she was doing my lipstick. "we are ready for her" the photographer said from the next room over. "break a leg" louis said "thanks i replied." after i shot the first look the photographer said to louis "hey. do yo mind if we take a couple shots of you." excitedly and very quickly he said "yes" he was rushed into hair and makeup and i finished shooting the rest of my looks.

after they showed us the raw photos

after they showed us the raw photos

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Young and in Love | Louis Partridge Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora