There is still 15 minutes left before lunch, and Yuu don't think he could take it anymore. The clock on the wall just above the white board in front of the class looks as if it was playing tricks on him. He glanced at it once, and he couldn't believe his eyes after glancing at it once again after he thought it was long enough. Just 10 minutes passed by, he could swear it felt like 20 minutes. And he is having none of that.

He got up, and told the teacher he wanted to use the restroom. He faked his urgency and ran out of the classroom. After he is far enough from his classroom, he started snickering by himself for tricking the teacher. But oh boy people would be lying if they said they never tricked and lied to their teacher to get out of the classroom as soon as possible.

He made his way to the restroom and decided to wait there until the bell rang. The restroom in Hiragi Highschool are spotless. It was clean, since the janitor cleans it every single day. If not the janitor, some rascals who got detention will scrub the tiled floor clean.

He smiled to himself and entered the restroom. Gladly, no one was there. Well, at least he thought so until he heard faint heavy breathing coming from the path beside the last toilet stall. The path would lead to the janitor room that stuff all cleaning tools. Curious, he found himself slowly making his way to the sound.

He is not doing something impulsive, is he? There could be someone who need medical attention there, and he wouldn't want to imagine what will happen if his assumption is true and he isn't there to help.

He peeked at the corner, and to his surprise, he saw Mikaela sitting on the floor with his head on his knee. Breathing still heavy and noticable.

"Mikaela? Hey, are you okay?" He approached the blonde and touched his shoulder, but his hand are swept away by the vampire. "Go away." Mikaela said.

The raven frowns.

"Listen, if this is about the thing that happened on Saturday, i'm sorry, okay? I have no right to yell at you like that. You don't look fine, so let me-" Yuu found himself couldn't finish his sentence when air got knocked out from his lungs as his back made contact with the restroom floor.

Everything happened too fast, one second a force pushed him, and on another second, he found himself on the floor as Mikaela sat on his stomach, straddling on top of him.

He stared at Mikaela wide eyed, and fear started creeping up to his bones as he saw the red glint in the blonde's eyes. "Blood.." the male on top him whispered. "Give me blood!" He demanded.

Memories of his dark past started to come at him all at once, making him felt dizzy. He couldn't think straight.

"Well, well, what do we have here?"


"Just go, you idiot! "

His eyes watered, vision was now blurry because of the tears in his eyes. He felt it rolled down his cheeks, but he couldn't care any less.

He trashed around, trying to get Mikaela off him but the blonde caught his wrist, pinning it down on the floor.

The raven's breathing turned ragged as his fear swallowed him whole. He started to tremble as he saw Mikaela's blurry figure leaned down towards him and soon enough, he felt breathing at his neck.

He struggled harder, feeling pointy teeth fanning at his neck. "M-monster." He croaked out, voice broken.

This stopped Mikaela dead on his track, his grip on the raven's wrist loosening. He couldn't see what kind of expression Mikaela was making because of the tears in his eyes. Taking the chance, he pushed Mikaela with all his might and stormed out of the school's restroom.

He ran and ran, pace never slowing until he ran into a body, knocking them both off their feet. The person he fell onto let out a surprised huff as his back hit the floor and his ear catching a familiar voice asking if he is alright. He couldn't recognize who the voice belong to.

He didn't answer. His mind are clouded. The voices in his head are so loud that it drowned Yoichi's worried tone. Screams. Cries. And evil laughter. His vision spins. He tried to get up but no avail, his feet felt as if it was made of jelly. Black spots filled his vision, before his body fell limp into a tall figure arms.

"Oh my god, Yuu kun! Shiho, come on, we have to send him to the infirmary! " Yoichi said, panicking.

Kimizuki didn't think much and nodded. He scooped Yuu's limp body into his arms and got up, heading to the infirmary with Yoichi beside him. He wondered what happened to the raven, for he have never seen him this wrecked before. He could not help himself but felt worried at the boy.

Meanwhile, a blonde head stared at them until they are out if his sight.

He sighed.

He scared his Yuuchan. He couldn't believe himself that he attacked the person he swears on his life to protect at all cost.

He hesitated to go after the raven at first, worrying that Yuu will think that he was after him to hurt him. That will scare the raven off even more. But he did anyway, not without keeping his distance to make sure the raven couldn't sense him around. He wanted to make sure that the raven are safe.

But now that he knew the precious friend of his are in safe hands, he decided to leave the scene. Not without feeling extremely guilty towards the raven, though.

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