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Xavier is taking a stroll down the road of Windrise, a basket in hand as he make his way towards the city. "Hmm, I wonder what I'm going to cook for the Mistress.." he hummed as he stare at the ingredients in the basket.

He had went out to search for fresh fruits and sweet flowers, he tempted to buy them from the markets but since the the fruits are easy to get, he decided to pick them from the wild instead.

One way to save money that is, he smiles as he begin to think of making (Name)'s favourite dessert dish. "Ah, I'm pretty sure Mistress would love to have them for today!" he chirped, caressing his own beard.

"I finally found you again—" a blurry flash of a person appears on Xavier's side.

Everything went too fast, Xavier's hand smack the figure and send them far away.

"Huh, what was that?..." Xavier mumbled. He was too deep in his thoughts about making his Mistress favourite food that he didn't realized that he had smack away a person that is.

"....mmmm... maybe it was a fly" he said, shrugging it off as he walk his way back to the city, eager to make the delicious dessert.

With the person got smack by Xavier

A certain Fatui Harbinger manage pulls himself off the ground that he had buried into, he had been send flying yet again by the same man that he tried to kill multiple times. 

"Gah, that baldie!" the ginger head said, rubbing the side of his swollen cheek. "He just smack the shit out of me" he mumbled, his cheek is stinging.

"I'll get him again..." he said, determination fill his eyes. 

Without another word, the Harbinger begin to make his way towards the city. He really need to reach there before that damn baldie reaches it.


The Fatui trips on his feet as he stumbles on the ground, his body is hurting. Maybe it was from the impact.

"Are you alright?" a soft voice spoke, the Harbinger lift his head to be greeted by a pair of (e/c) eyes. "U-uh..I..." the harbinger only winch in pain when he try to sit up. "You're hurt, you poor child" she said as she gently put a hand on his shoulder.

"I didn't bring my pipa with me...but I hope this would help reduce the pain" she said, "(S/n), you can do your work now". The cecilia flower on the side of her head start morphing and it bounce up in the air before shifting into a ball of dendro slime.

(S/n) skid its way down her arm and towards the Harbinger's shoulder, "W-what—" the Dendro slime latches on to his swollen cheek as the ginger haired male yelp in pain. Dendro energy seeps out from the slime, green particles flying around as the male can feel the pain going away in a slow pace.

The slime unlatch itself from the male's cheek and slowly hops its way towards the female's lap and perch on it like a cat does. "I hope their dendro ability help, (S/n) here is a special slime, they can heal with their elemental energy due to how many herbs they consumed" she said.

"My name is (Name), what is yours?" (Name) asked.

"Childe, my name is Childe" the Harbinger said, introducing himself to (Name). "Oh my, such a unique name! But it's wonderful too" (Name) said with a smile on her face. "So, what happened to you, dear?" she questioned as Childe looks away.

"Just got into a fight with—uh..." his blue eyes land on a group of Hilichurls in the distant. "Hilichurls, yeah...I just stumbled across their camp but no worries! I am fine, pretty lady" Childe said with a playful smile on his face as he gives the woman a wink. "Hmm, you should be more careful then, it's dangerous to be out here alone" she said as she stands up, picking up the small slime in her hands.

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