𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 5

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The Barbatos Worshippers had concluded that the Light Goddess is the significant other of their Lord. It was shocking at first, but he is the God of Freedom and he also need someone he can spend his eternal life with. Even the gods can find true love.

They are meant for each others.


"You're heading out?" Albert asked his mother as she smiles at him, "Yes, indeed I am" she said. Xavier stood at the gate as Albert let out a sigh, "Just be careful" Albert said as (Name) nods, "I have Xavier with me and your brother had given me something that can detect my location" Albert rolls his eyes at the mention of his younger brother's name.

"Fulhert have given you his 'oh-so bizzare and yet dangerous' item to you?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. A chibi image of his brother laughing with a dangerous contraption right behind him, 'Hey, Al! Look what I did! Wanna give it a try? Ehehehehe~' his voice echoes in Albert's ears. An irk mark appears on his head as he sigh.

"It's a simple one, don't fret about it. It is not dangerous at all" (Name) said, taking out a small item and show it to Albert.

".....a mini slime?" Albert trailed, staring at the palm size dendro slime. Albert pokes the slime as the slime start jiggling, "Miii~" it squealed as it hop towards the flower headdress on his mother's head, disliking the poking from the male.

It camouflage itself with the flowers well, "What can a dendro slime do anyway?" Albert questioned. "Hmmm..... perhaps it have something special" chirped his mother, "You know Fulhert, he may be too inventive but he has done a lot to the community! Albert, you have strength while your brother is the brain of all things. Without him, we could have been found by the outside world" (Name) said.

"I guess you're right, but Fulhert really looks like that old geezer....but I'm grateful he's not a heavy drinker" Albert said. "Mistress, the pathway is ready" a voice said as a really tall male around 8 feet tall appear, he is clad in armor and you can't really see his face behind that helmet. "Thank you Gatekeeper!" (Name) said, "We'll be off now!" she said, waving at her son as Xavier who is waiting at the golden door held out his hand for her to hold.

"Take care, mom" Albert said.

The Golden gate closes once the two enters it, the gatekeeper station himself in front of the door and went stiff like a statue while holding on to his huge greatsword. "Alright, where was I again?" Albert said to himself.

Then, a Venti look a like appears behind him. "Ni hao, gege~" Albert blinks, as his brother put his hand on his shoulder. "Care to help me with something? Please~" he pleaded but quite eerily. There is something behind him, Albert knew it is something not good.

"Get the **** away!" Albert shouted, feeling unease with his younger brother's stare.


Venti is waiting at the huge tree like usual and it playing with his lyre, he plucks a few strings. His ears twitch when the wind tells him about his wife arrival, bright smile appears on his face as he jumps down from the tree. "She's back!" Venti giggled, today was the day that he decided to show her around in the city. But before that, he had told you to change into a normal attire that fits Mondstadt's.

His eyes landed on the woman in a simple white dress with blue ribbon, Xavier walking besides her in a butler outfit.

"Sweetie!!!!!" Venti shouted and running at her at full speed. (Name) opens her arms only to have the bard morph into his original form as he snuggles himself to her cheek, chirping and cooing at the same time. "Haha, darling, you got so excited to the point you morph into your cute self" (Name) said, fairy Venti squeal as he spins around and give a small peck on the woman's lips.

His body glows as he morph back into his human self, arms wrapped around her as he press his forehead with hers. "Uhuh! I have so many to show you! Come on!!!" Venti said, tugging to the woman's sleeve.

Xavier only rolls his eyes, "Xavier! Good thing you're here! I'm sure you will enjoy Good Hunter's food, you should try it! It's on all me!" Venti said pridefully. "Hmmm? All on you? Are you sure, my lord? The one will be paying be us" Xavier said.

Venti blinks as he laugh nervously, while rubbing the back of his head. "Oh...hehehehe~" Venti said when he remembers he didn't have a single penny in his pouch.

"Don't worry, we have money to afford everything" (Name) said, smiling at the broke god. Xavier only burst out laughing while combing his short beard. Venti pucker up his lips and pouts, "How in the world you guys make much money...." he said but he shake it off.

"Alright I think we can't hanging around here  too much, let's go!!!" Venti said as he grabs (Name)'s hand and head towards the gate. Xavier fixes his black tie as he saw something in the corner of his eyes, he hum as he walk after his mistress and lord. Making sure to be on alert of his surroundings. He knew that someone is watching them, those ginger hair and blue eyes piercing through his skull.

Never doubt it was one of the fatui.

A/N :

Albert's age is 520 years old and Fulhert's age is 515 years old, both are 5 years apart. Fulhert, means from the Old German Filibert, meaning very bright. Fulbert's nickname is Fili. 

*starts realizing*

Author : FILI!!!!!!! *ugly crying*

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