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Patricks pov:

Jillian and I are getting a divorce, I'm staying with Ellen until I find a house. Jillian has been cheating on me for almost a year. She always accused me of cheating with Ellen, but now she is the one who breaks her vows.

Talula thinks it was me who cheated. I tried to talk to Jillian but she doesn't want to. I don't want my daughter to resent me for something I never did.

''Jillian can we talk?'' ''I'm busy.'' ''You're always busy, you havent had time for me in months since we're getting a divorce. We still have a daughter together. She hates me because she thinks I'm the one who cheated. We have to tell her the truth.''

''No we don't, its fine like this.'' ''No, no its not Jillian, she hates me.'' ''And? You're the one who acted like you were cheating! I cant help it that she thinks you finally decided to tell me.'' ''I havent cheated!''

''Right...'' ''Jillian, I never even kissed her, only on screen'' ''Whatever.'' She knows I never cheated on her, but she doesn't want Talula to hate her. I dont want that either, but this is just not fair.

''I'm leaving, I'll be home tomorrow. We're going to talk.'' ''Talula is home tomorrow.'' ''I dont care, you keep making up excuses to talk. We are going to talk.'' ''Fine!''

I walk out of the house and make my way over to Ellen's.

The next day

I walk into the house and Talula is sitting on the couch. ''Hi T!'' She ignores me. ''Jillian?'' ''In the kitchen.'' I walk into the kitchen. ''So what do you want to talk about?'' ''About Talula! We can't let her believe I'm the one who cheated, because I havent. I've never- cheated on you!'' ''I know you haven't.'' ''What is the problem then?''

''TALULA WILL HATE ME, RESENT ME!'' ''YES, THATS WHAT SHE IS DOING TO ME NOW!'' ''I DONT CARE, I'M HAPPIER WITH HIM ANYWAYS!'' ''Jillian please?'' ''No, you should've told her immediately. You can't just walk up to her now and say 'I'm sorry to tell you this, but it was your mom who cheated, not me' because she wont believe you.''

''Jill? You can't do that to me..."She just looks at me "Could you at least tell her that I love her? She ignores me and won't listen to me.'' With that I walk into the hallway. I hear Talula, but I keep walking. ''Mom?''

''Talula, hi, what's wrong?''

Talulas pov:

''Did you- I don't know if I want to know the answer but- did you cheat on dad?'' ''I- Talula-'' ''No'' ''T,'' ''No, I don't want to hear it, you- you made me think that dad cheated on you. That he was the reason for the divorce... But it was you.''

''Listen T, I just-'' ''I hated him- I resented him and he- he let me'' ''It's his fault.'' ''NO! No, you can't say that. He told you multiple times that he never cheated with Ellen. You kept accusing him and now you're cheating. That is not his fault, that's all on you. You ruined our family! If only you just trusted him..'' "I couldn't, he spent so much time with her..."

"For work! They were a couple on a show, they were good- are good friends! I have to find him... where is he staying?" "I- I don't know." "You really don't care anymore, do you?"

"T- I- I'm sorry." "Hmm..." I have to find my dad. I don't know where he's staying, but I think he is with Ellen.. or he is at his trailer. I'll check Ellen first. I walk to her house and knock on the door.

She opens it and looks at me shocked, "Talula..." "Erm- is- is my dad here?" "He hasn't come home yet." "Oh okay, if he- comes here can you tell him I'm looking for him?" "You know?" "About my mom cheating instead of my dad? Yes I do."

"I'm sorry T." "It's okay, I just- I really didn't treat him right the last few months and he just let me." "He didn't want to hurt you." "How would he hurt me by telling me the truth?"

"He was scared you wouldn't believe him and that you would think he just wanted to blame your mother." "I'm so stupid." "You're not stupid, you thought he ruined your family T." "I hurt him, didn't I?" "You wanna know the truth or a lie?" "The truth...?" I say with doubt.

"He came home last night with red eyes. He told me he missed you and that he was scared you would never know the truth and you would never speak to him again. So, yes he is hurt" "Okay, erm, I might know where he is. Thank you Ellen." "You're welcome honey."

I run back to my house and grab my bike. I get to the one spot he would always take me when I was upset. I park my bike on the side of the road and walk up to the big field. There he is.

"Dad?" He turns around quickly and tears are streaming down his face. He turns back around and looks away from me. "Dad- I know." I say.

"What?" "I- I know mom cheated on you." He turned around again. "You- you know?" "I know, and I'm sorry for ignoring you for so long and hurting you." "It's- okay..." "No it's not" "It's fine, I'm- glad you know. Well I mean not glad- you know your mom is a cheater, but glad you know that I wasn't the homewrecker and-" "It's okay, calm down."

I walk up to him and sit down. I wrap my arms around him and he wraps his around me. "I'm sorry, so so sorry." I whisper. "I missed you." "I missed you too." "Sorry for not telling you the truth." "It's okay, I get it, Ellen explained." "You talked to her?" I nod.

"She told me some things.. if that's okay with you." "Sure, she is my bestfriend, you can talk to her Tal." "Good, because I really like her." "I love you T." "I love you too dad."

__I'm sorry for making Jill a bad wife in this because I absolutely love her but this idea came to mind so I thought lets just write it down and I kind of love it, have a good day, love y'all !!__

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