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__this takes place after Meredith gave birth to Ellis, Derek is still alive!__

Dereks pov:

Meredith and I lay in bed, she gave birth to Ellis 3 months ago. She is reading a book and I'm looking at her, we've been married for almost 7 years, but she is still so beautiful. Every inch of her I love. ''What are you looking at?'' she says with a smirk on her face. ''You'' I say. She looks at me and I lean in to kiss her. 

She kisses me back, it gets heated but she pulls away. ''wha-'' ''I'm not in the mood Derek'' ''Its been 3 months'' ''no'' ''come on, why not?'' ''no is no, Derek'' ''whatever, goodnight'' ''goodnight'' I turn around and lay with my back facing her. "you're seriously mad at me right now because I do not want to have sex with you?'' "I'm not mad.'' I say annoyed, I'm not mad, I just dont understand why she doesnt want to. ''oh, come on Derek, I know you long enough''

''I just said I'm not mad'' ''you know what, just go sleep in the guestroom'' I turn around look at her and say ''what?!'' ''I cant look at you right now'' ''you cant be serious right?'' ''GO'' she yells. I get out of bed and walk to the guestroom. This is unbelievable. Its not like I pushed her into anything I just wanted to know why she doesnt want to have sex with me. 

I let myself fall onto the bed and stare at the ceiling. When I wake up  the next morning, I can hear the kids play in the playroom, so I walk up to them. ''hey guys'' ''Hi daddy'' Zola says. ''why did you come out of the guestroom?''

Merediths pov:

I wake up and walk down the hallway to the kitchen when I hear the the kids. I walk up to them and see Derek sitting in front of them. ''why did you come out of the guestroom?'' Zola asks him. He is quiet for awhile but then responds ''you see, mommy is a little mad at me right now'' ''why? what did you do?'' ''I asked her something, but she- wasnt very happy with the question'' he tried to explain it so well to a 6 year old kid. 

''well, when will you sleep in your room again?'' ''I dont know Zozo, I dont know, I'm not going to push mommy into anything, she'll ask me to come back eventually, at least, I hope she does'' he whispered the end. He stands up and I walk back into the kitchen. I pour some juice in a glass and drink it. 

I hear Derek walking down the hallway. ''goodmorning, I'm sorry'' he says. I choose to ignore him, he has to understand that no is no. ''Meredith? Please say something'' I dont say anything. ''I'm going to Owens today, I love you'' he says. I make myself some breakfast while he is taking a shower. When he walks out, he comes into the bedroom and says ''I'm not staying, I'm just- grabbing some clothes'' 

The cracking in his voice hurts me. Its not that I dont want to have sex with him, its just that I feel very insecure after Ellis' birth about my body. It doesnt look like before anymore. He grabs a stack of clothes, underwear and he grabs his charger of his nightstand. He looks at me and I look away. He walks out and opens the door to the guestroom. I hear him lay everything down and closing the door. I put some clothes on myself and get the kids dressed too. 

I hear Derek walking downstairs, and he grabs his car keys. ''I'm- I'm leaving, I'll be back tonight, love you'' he yells. The kids yell love you too and I stay quiet. After a few seconds I can hear him sigh and open the front door. He drives away and I'm left alone with the kids. 

That night>

Dereks pov:

I come home to my family eating dinner in the kitchen, I grab a plate and I sit down. She doesnt even look at me nor asks me how my day was. Everyone finishes their dinner, and when I'm about to sit on the couch, I feel the need to throw up, I run to the bathroom and throw up everything I just ate.

merder/dempeo one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora