True Love's Kiss

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Weeks went by until Stefan showed up again.

"Y/n! Maleficent!" he calls out.

The fairies fly over to him, landing next to him.

"After all these weeks, look who came back." y/n says.

"I thought it worth the risk. So, what do you do for fun?"

And just like that, the pair of friends had added a member.

Stefan, y/n, and Maleficent became the most unlikely of friends. And for a time, it seemed as if, in them at least, the old hatred between man and fairies had been forgotten.

As it will, friendship slowly turned into something else.

Visit after visit, Stefan fell deeper and deeper in love with y/n, and as did she, him.

Maleficent saw this from the very beginning, but was willing to accept it as long as her fairy friend was happy.

And on y/n's 16th birthday, Stefan gave her a gift.

"Y/n! Come down" Stefan yelled at the tree.

The blue winged fairy flew down to him, gracefully.

"What is it?" she asked.

The 19 year old boy guided her to sit on the floor against her tree, next to him.

"I have a gift for you. For your birthday." He said.

"Wait, we have to get Mal to come too" y/n objected.

But before she could yell out her friend's name, Stefan interjected.

"Actually, I told her to give us some alone time" he said, which was true.

"Oh..." the fairy responded. "Well then, what's the present?" she quickly asked.

The young man chuckled at her eagerness.

"This" he said, gently grabbing her chin and guiding it towards himself, pressing his lips against hers, passionately.

Y/n's eyes widened from surprise, but she eventually returned the kiss.

And he told her it was true love's kiss.

But Maleficent saw it, and as much as she wished to look away, she just couldn't.

Though y/n and Stefan have been more and more romantically close all these years, Maleficent had still fallen deeper in love for her best friend.

But she put it aside for her friends happiness.

Y/n's face lit up when she spoke of him. And though it wasn't Maleficent causing it, she still adored her friends happiness.

But that happiness was not to be. As the years passed, Stefan's ambition called him away from the fairies and towards the temptations of the human kingdom, but he never lost his love for y/n.

But being away from her from so long, and falling into his temptations in the human kingdom, his once pure love for her was corrupted, turning into an obsession of sorts.

While Maleficent and y/n, the strongest of the fairies rose to become the protectors of the Moors.

The two fairies had no lust for power, unlike Stefan.

They simply wanted to keep their home safe.

At first, y/n was heartbroken and would wonder where Stefan might be.

But after some time and help from her best friend, she grew to forget him. To forget the past and to focus on the present.

Maleficent and y/n grew closer and closer, if it were even possible to do so. And Maleficent fell more and more in love with her oblivious friend.

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