"Now time for gifts!" Adrian squeals. I shake my head at his excitement as he pulls me by my hand, away from Ethan and towards the table with all the wrapped up gifts. "Open mine first!" Adrian says as he pushes me a packet rectangular package.

"Okay." I smile and take it from him. All of us proceed to sit on the couch, Adrian and Ethan on either side of me. I tear open the wrapping and see a novel of one of the romantic movies we watched together a week ago. I smile and look at him. "Thank you." I say and give him a small kiss on his cheek making his grin wider. "I am glad you liked it!" He smiles.

Then Madison passes me her gift, which happens to be a cute pair of earrings. Andrew gets me a small cute notebook with a small back of coloured pens. "Ethan told me you had a small thing for writing." He says as he hands me the gift with a little smile. Chase gives me a discount coupon to the pizza shop close by, "I am not the best at giving gifts. Plus this is reasonable. I have heard girls love food so.." He shrugs with a grin and I take it with a smile.

David, Jullie and Mary get me these fairy lights and a few things to decorate in my room, "Your room has been a bit plain. Thought you should give it a bit of an upgrade." Jullie smiles. I thank them and then my dad speaks, "I have a gift for you too... But we have to go out to the garage for this one." He smiles at me. I nod and all of us walk into the garage.

My eyebrows furrow when I see a brand new white Honda parked next to Jullie and David's car. "Wha-" I am cut myself off when I see my hand holding a pair of keys in his hand and holding it in my direction with a smile.

"No! Oh my god! No!" I say as I look between the car and him. He got me a freaking car! A car! And not just any car but the one I actually wanted. How? God this is too expensive. He has done so many things for me. From paying my fees, adding to my college fund, helping grandma with her treatments. No this is too much.

"No, it's too much. I-I cant take it. You have done so many things for me-" He cuts me off. "Amelia, you're my daughter. Ethan told me how much you wanted to learn to drive and he also told me you have done good so far. You deserve it." He smiles. "Oh my god. Thank you so much!" I exclaim and throw my arms around him hugging him.

He chuckles and wraps his arms around my waist. We then pull away and he hands me the keys and I stare at them in awe. "We can go for a ride later. You can drive, but now time for my gift." Ethan says.

I look up and I notice everyone else has left the garage and it's only me and Ethan. "You got me a gift? Ethan you shouldn't have! You planned this whole thing. That was more than special for me." I say as I look at him.

"Of course I got you a gift." He mumbles and pecks my forehead. Before I could say anything else he intertwined our hands and led me inside the house.

He slowly opens the door and I see the house is dark again. "Ethan why-" I was about to ask but he put his finger on my lips, indicating me to quiet down. I furrow my eyebrows but only then do I hear a soft hum of music.

It isn't a song. Just a tune. A romantic tune. We walk into the living room and I notice that now there are tealight candles around to give us a bit of light. I notice a projector and a white sheet. I see Ethan pick up a remote and press a button and then something reflects on the screen. Ethan stands behind me and wraps an arm around around my waist and puts his head on my shoulder, pressing a small kiss to my neck.

I look at the screen and nearly gasp when I see what's playing. It's like a photo album. A photo album of us. Pictures of us and some of just me play on the screen. Some pictures are from before we even started dating.

There are a few pictures of both of us cuddled up on the couch, a picture of us sleeping in bed, a picture of us smiling and laughing at each other. A picture of me sticking my tongue out. A picture of me smiling at something. A picture of me sleeping. A picture of us hugging each other.

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