[ch. 1]

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I've always found school to be such a drag, the whole getting up early just to sit and sleep in first period is pretty stupid to me. Why are we even here and who the hell invented school? We might as well just have class at a real jail because that's what school feels like, jail. I'm also one of those people who hates fucking everyone, and if I like a specific person you better feel damn special because that isn't very often. It's a once and a life time thing.

The only person I know that can deal with my shit is Michael, we've been best friends since the first day we swore at each other, literally. It was back in sixth grade when we both bumped into each other and were furious that we both yelled "fuck you," at each other. We had a class together which we totally didn't know until we got new seats and that's how we became best friends. Weird huh?

Anyways I hate being here with a burning passion, school is literal hell for me. I get teased by the cheerleaders, looked at like I'm a play toy, and it goes on. I'm even called a whore by most and I'm still a a virgin, a whore fucks multiple people. I'm glad I've got Michael, he gets me through all this, he's been here for me for six years and I'm surprised he hasn't left me yet since I'm a very difficult person to stay with.

I have a tendency of pushing people away, I've pushed my mother away because she never understands me and half the time I feel like she doesn't even care about me or what I do. Ever since she got remarried to Vic she's been oblivious to anything and everything I do now a days. Michael says she's whipped and I'm sure that's the case but he'll never replace my father, ever. My dad left to be with another girl when I was seven.

I always remembered my mom and dad fighting, arguing, yelling or screaming at each other day and night. Things would be thrown, screams would be let out, what did I do? I went into my closet to hide while I'd be in a fetal position holding my ears with my eyes squeezed shut hoping it'd all eventually stop. And it always did before I'd crawl back into the comfort of my own bed so I could go to sleep.

I've been shy and used to isolate myself all through elementary school, until Michael showed up I finally say whatever I want and hardly isolate myself like I use to. I'm shy sometimes but if someone's acting like a bitch I will straight up tell them that they are a bitch. I tell Michael all the time that he's an asshole, but that's just Michael and he doesn't mind me calling him that, but he'll admit he is one from time to time.

"Lana!" I heard someone shout my name from down the hall, the only person I knew who could be that loud when he's excited is Michael. "Lana, I've got epic news!" He shouted pushing people out of his way in the hall as he finally got to me.

"Excited much?" I asked with a smirk and he shoved me as we began walking to class together.

"Um obviously," he said with a light chuckle before he pulled out his wallet and showed me what he was excited about. "Look." He said and I looked up at him.

"Michael, I already know you got your temps." I groaned, he rubbed it in my face the day he got his, he was so excited until I told him he could only drive if a parent was with him.

"This isn't my temps, check again." He told me, rechecking I realized that it wasn't his temps.

"You got your drivers license?!" I asked and he nodded before I gave him a huge hug in the hallways and squealed. "I'm so happy for you Michael, way to go dude." I said punching him in his arm congratulating him.

"Ouch, damnit Lana." Michael whined like a little baby.

"Oh man up Clifford." I laughed and he growled before wrapping his arms around my chest as we walked awkwardly in the hallway trying not to trip.

"Man up? Please I'm already a man." He scoffed squeezing me into a tight hug.

"No, you're a boy with multiple colors of hair and a soon to be bald man." I giggled, Michael tried to trip me and I squealed in the hallway catching looks from people.

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