4. What The Hell Heppend In Beacon Hills

Start from the beginning

"Steve, Bucky, Sam - this is my naphew Stiles." Phil introduce. "Stiles this is Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson." Bucky nods from his seat and Steve and Sam cames over to to shake Stiles hand.

"It's nice to meet you stiles." Steve says, with one of his heartfelt smile. Stiles maneges to return handshakes but didn't make eye contact.

"Ni -Nice to meet you too." Stiles said in small voice still looking at his shoes.

Steve and Sam looked at Phil and Clint with concern and Bucky lean forward in his chair looking at Stiles intrigued.
Phil shakes his hand in gasture of -now is not time- and notices elevator arrives with Pepper and Bruce. Pepper hugs Phil and then Bruce and pepper meets Stiles he shaks hand with them but didn't make eye contact just like before. Next is Natasha who greet Stiles with a quiet hello allready sensing something off with Stiles.

Last is Tony and Phil is pleased becouse he can be hard to handle even for ones who knows him.

"Hay Agent why are you calling house meeting so early?" Tony said as he walks towerd them.

"Tony meet my naphew Stiles." Phil said wishing Tony will get his signal.

"Hello Stiles nice to meet you , I'm Tony stark but please call me Tony." He says, in soft voice, looking at how Stiles flinch and sink back when he first spoke, Stiles just nods not being able to say anything.

"Is that why you're calling us Agent?" Tony keeps his voice noticably soft.

"Yes, stiles wants to ask if you all are ok with him living here." Phil said.

"Why would we have any problem kid you're Phil's naphew you can stay here as long as you want - but it was nice of you to ask." Natasha said, becouse whole team was confused on why a kid will hesitate on living with Avengers.

"Thanks." Stiles forced himself to meet Natasha's eyes, and then look at Phil "Uncle Phil what about thor...."

"He comes here once or twice a week other than that he's always have some out of the world work." Clint said for phil, Stiles nods.

"Stiles you can go with Clint he will show you our floor and your room, your floor will be ready before tomorrow tonight." Phil asks.

Stiles think for a moment before leaving Phil's side but agrees and made his way to elevator with clint.

As soon as Stiles is out of sight Phil slumps in chair in front of Bucky.

"Agent why I never found anything about him in your record." Tony ask looking irritated.

"Your good at reasearch Tony but I was hiding someone I love." Phil said

"Phil. what happened to him?" Steve said seriously cutting whatever Tony was going to say.

"I don't know Steve, Clint found him like this in front of my old apartment besicaly histerical, only thing he said before sleeping was not to tell his dad and then woke up at three in the morning screaming." Phil sound defeated.

"Nightmares!  poor kid." Pepper says

"Not just nightmares." Phil said "Last time I heard something like that was right after Bucky came back."

Room goes deadly silent "Jejus" Tony said. "what the hell heppend to kid?"

"I don't know." Phil sound irritated on his lack of information.

"Phil tell us what you know." Steve asks in calming voice.

"He said something bad happened, he don't remember driving out of Beacon Hills -oh god, he was dissociating while driving alone.... something bad must have heppend!" Phil sound horrified and everyone look shocked but told phil to continue. "he said he was scared to go back so he keep driving, his jeep died in Ohio! My naphew walk here from Ohio alone, he said he didn't realise he was coming to me before reaching New York he almost didn't come, and my fucking brother couldn't pick up a phone and call me to tell Stiles was gone!" Phil is roaring at the end.

"Phil calm down, Natasha said placing a hand on his soldier. "I' know your mad but it's not gonna help Stiles. We need to do something for him first

Phil watches her and takes a long breath and releases it, then slumps in his chair and buries his head in his hands. "I could have missed him." he said after a moment. "it was pure coincidence Clint was going there for some reason, I could have lost him, it was snowing and he was in a hoodie." he said on verge of tears.

"But you didn't, that's what matters phil. He's here and safe." Sam said

"I know but I just think how my brother didn't told me Stiles was in trouble let alon missing. He could have slipped away so easily and I  wouldn't know." Phil sound angry on Noah.

"What about his mom." pepper asks changing topic.

"Dead. frontel lobe dementia took her when Stiles was ten.......it was bad." phil said, quality.

Steve , Bruce and Tony wince in sympathy. "when was the last time you meet him?" Bucky ask voice flat they know he's hiding his imotions, it's ifacting him most aside Phil and Clint.

"I went there few months before chitauri. He seems fine then. I didn't get chance to go after.... well after Avengers formed." Phil said thinking.

"So whatever has happened started in last two years." Tony conclude

"But there are some long term abuce symptoms I see." Phil said,

"What do you mean." Bruce asked

"He's touch starved - extremely he flinches whenever someone move around him, he cuts himself from reality and he panicked when clint and I ask him to come here, and nightmares also like I told you before." Phil listed

"Your right those are long term abuce behaviours. And we might not know some becouse he isn't been here even fer one day." Sam said

"I don't want to offend you.... but.....is there any chance your brother." Tony asks hesitantly.

"I wish I could say no.... But I know he couldn't have gone that bad - I think there's more to story."

"We need to know more." Pepper said

"I know Pepper but I also hate to fly blind - spacially when Stiles is on line. But if keeping him safe and comfortable means I have no answers.......I will work with that." Phil said

"That's exactly what we need to do he seem to respond to you and Clint positively just keep doing what you're doing..... everyone let stiles interact with you himself we don't want to overwhelm poor kid." Sam said again in his therepist voice, evryone give their nods of agreement.

"Phil if you ask Stiles I will have Jarvis look into things." Tony said kindly.

"Thanks for asking first Tony I will I just want to respect stiles privacy." Phil said

"Phil I have my schedule cleared until Stiles floor is ready..... we can get him to shoping." Pepper ask

"You don't have to pepper"

"You know Phil you can't win me on this......and I guess Stiles don't have much." pepper said.

"Thanks pep - and no just what he was wearing and a bagpack in witch he said he have something important but I know there are no clothes."

"I should go back now." Phil said after a moment. And goes to leave commen floor. But Bucky reaches and stops him. "If he need anything phil please tell me. Ok." Bucky asks sincerely and Phil nods.

He step into elevator thinking what Stiles and Clint are doing and feeling lucky for having a great and supportive team.

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