His glare was unseen by the Phoenix members who were talking about something the Prime didn't understand. It was a quiet for a few minutes before Nathan spoke. "So I understand why people stared at us, but why did they quieten at you?"

Taking a bite out of my burger, I chewed while Marc and Brandon snickered. Raven didn't care and continued to snuggle next to Corey who was trying to eat but managed to give them a small smile. Axel sighed tiredly, waiting for me to speak.

Once I swallowed my food, I waved at the uniform that they didn't really notice. Gabriel, who was dubbed the Artist in both fashion and art, looked at her outfit along with the Toma's, Damien's, and others around them. They all wore simple trousers and pants that varied in length and color. The only thing that seemed different were their shirts. Although they were in different colors, they all had different number of stripes on them. The stripes were actually a pin that was attached to their sleeve.

Gabriel's eyes went upward. "There are a different number of stripes."

"Correct," Sang took a sip of her drink. "The higher rank you were, the more stripes one would have on their sleeve. There are nine in total. The lowest is one strip which are those who have completed recruitment and basic training."

"The Toma's have six stripes," North pointed out as he stabbed at his salad.

Sang nodded. "Yes. Like I said, we have nine ranks. The highest is Leader, followed by general, lieutenant, colonel, major, sergeant, corporal, private, and the last are the trainees. They will be considered Colonel rank."

"What about Damien?" Kota leaned forward. A glint of interest gleamed in his eyes. I smirked inwardly. He was living up to his nickname "the Scholar".

"Me?" Damien blinked. "I'm a General. I'm over the technology and weaponry. Actually most of the Generals were in the meeting last night."

"What rank are you, Sang?" Sean said from the end of the table. He was far that he couldn't clearly seen my insignia.

Damien piped up, letting me eat. He knew that a hungry Sang is dangerous. One wrong move, and you can end up with a kick to the balls or a fist to your jaw. "She's actually a General. She's well known here because she's still active."

"Active?" Victor questioned.

Brandon was the one to answer. "Generals are usually over a department and that stuff, making them too busy and too important to get into the field. Sang is the only one who does that and do missions." He looked around and whispered so quietly that they almost didn't hear him. "She's known as a legend around here, especially with her Volto status."

"Volto status?" Thankfully, they were quiet enough to not be heard by anyone.

Corey smiled gently. "Remember the first time you met her, she was wearing a mask?"

They nodded, and she continued. "Volto is well known throughout the Academy as one of the best Phoenix agent. It hides her identity as one of the Generals. No one but the ones she saved or are classified knows about this. This is why we work with her a lot along with the Anderson and Karla Team."

Raven turned, glaring at the Prime that made them pause and be wary. "Yeah, so don't spill the tea to others."

Corey facepalmed. "Raven, what have we talked about?"

His face scrunched up in deep thinking. "Uh, that meme talk is not suitable for serious convos."

"It's definitely adorbs," Damien smiled, but his smile disappeared as he looked at the Prime. "But, yeah, don't tell others or you might become my assistant."

Marc leaned over and whispered to North. "You definitely don't want that. He burned my eyebrows off by making coffee."

"That was an actually accident!" He yelped out before winking at Raven. "You know, if you and Corey don't work out, I'm available."

Corey pouted and clung to the Russian who seemed to puff up at the attention he was getting. Damien pouted at the wary looks and turned towards the Prime. "If any of you like a dangerous man, I'm definitely your guy."

Gabriel leaned forward, curiosity in his eyes. "You're gay?"

"Bisexual, actually." Damien smiled. He excessively shook both arms. "I swing both ways."

Gabriel nodded, sitting back with a thoughtful look on his face. Axel rolled his eyes at Damien's theatrics. "Stop hitting on them. You already have a partner."

The hot but eccentric man jutted his lower lip out. "Yeah, but we want another. We want to be poly."

Marc sighed. "Sometimes I wonder who wears the pants in the relationship."

Damien lit up like a Christmas tree decorated in six-thousand lights. "Oh, it's definitely not me."

So tell me your thoughts about Damien? He's quickly becoming one of my favorite oc's.

Also don't forget to ask questions for the "interview"! You can ask anything to any of the characters. Just make sure you address to the character you want to ask. 

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