Hint 5 - Thunderstain

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A/N: IM PUSHIN NOW. Two chapters to go and I literally don't think I could make it in just two chapters without pushing. Also, characters end up being somewhat out of character from here on out. Sorry, I just suck at writing.

The students filed into the classroom, talking about whatever it was that had grabbed their interest at the moment. It was a Monday, and while most people weren't in the best of moods- Who would be? The week had just started and most of them just wanted to sleep in like they had done that weekend- getting to see their friends at least made it easier.

Kaminari wasn't one of those people. He was always excited about his classes despite his usual lies about it. Sure, he would occasionally find a class that the other students would know he liked, but it generally wasn't a class that they normally took.

Today, he was chatting with Mina about what they could possibly be doing in today's class. After all, the topics in the class changed drastically each day. Every once in a while they would have dedicated weeks, but everyone knew about it beforehand. So, it was always fun to try and guess what they would be doing in class. They were rarely correct.

Any guesses Kaminari had were completely inaccurate though. And the real topic of the class made him nearly drop his stuff directly onto the floor. As it was, he had tripped over his feet with a little yelp and his face drained of color.

Mina looked over at the board and maybe understood some of Kaminari's reaction, though her reasoning wasn't anywhere true. Upon the board was the name "Thunderstain".

There weren't that many people that didn't know the name. When the deaths first started, the government tried to keep it on the down-low, but the media truly doesn't care about those things sometimes. It didn't take long for the whole country to know the name and fear it too.

But, Thunderstain's reign of fear had seeming come to a close not quite a year ago. There were no more deaths that had been tracked back to him. That didn't necessarily mean he had stopped killing people altogether, but he's slowed down enough that it wasn't clear who was killed by Thunderstain and who had died at the hands of a tragic accident or some other killer.

Kaminari had no idea why they would be talking about Thunderstain in class. After all, even if he was still a prevalent figure, not much information was known of him. Kaminari had made sure of that. Anyone who actually knew his identity based on his looks alone was either framed to be absolutely insane or he killed them entirely.

The only person who he hadn't dealt with that knew who he was had been sent to prison. Had he sold him out? Was this the end of his time at UA? No. The man would have given away his identity quicker than this and if he had, there was no doubt in Kaminari's head that he had fixed that problem by claiming he had never met the man and that he must have gotten the wrong person.

But, if that man who had no connection to him could figure out so much information on Kaminari, that meant that someone knew who he actually was. That was a thought he had pushed down, but the seriousness of the matter was making it start to come up again.

He quickly went to his desk and waited for the lesson to start.

Mr. Aizawa finally appeared and the lesson began. Like Kaminari had suspected, there wasn't enough information to make a super difficult to grasp the lesson, but what Kaminari hadn't expected was how much information they did have. It was funny to him though. There were some statements that were totally inaccurate.

Mr. Aizawa had started off the lesson by explaining that Thunderstain was an assassin that had gone off the grid in recent months. That was true, but it wasn't as if he had ever been on the grid in the first place. He just stopped killing people.

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