Hint 1 - English

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A/N: Sorry for taking so long to post this. To make up for it, I'm posting twice today so that there's more for y'all to read. (Not that anyone is reading this lol)

If you asked the students of 1A they would probably tell you that English was not their strong suit. Well, save a few select people who had studied English prior to UA. But most of them would tell you that they hardly understood English. Kaminari Denki would be one of those people. In fact, he'd probably tell you that the extent of his knowledge on the subject was saying "hello" and "goodbye".

That's what he would tell you. That's definitely what he told his classmates in 1A. And why would they not believe him? Because as far as they knew, Kaminari Denki was simply another student in their class and a dumb one at that. He wasn't as stupid as his classmates claimed he was and even his classmates knew that. But they didn't even know the beginning of his intelligence.

He was easily one of the smarter students. He wouldn't claim he was the smartest one there, as that simply wasn't true. He had a lot of knowledge. But he wasn't as smart. He could fluently speak nine different languages and hold a basic conversation in a variety of other languages, sure. And he had the best control of his quirk out of everyone in the class, yes. And maybe he knew more about weaponry, self-defense, and a variety of other topics than even the smartest kids there- okay so it definitely sounds like he is the smartest there-. Perhaps he is simply humble, but Kaminari is not the humble type. He definitely avoided bragging because the things he would brag about were not exactly conventional but that didn't make him humble.

His friends were okay with that. And he did consider them friends. In the past, he might not have ever gotten close to anyone, but he isn't who he was in his past. This was something he often had to remind himself. No matter how much he loved who he used to be and how great the old him had influenced him today, he's not the same person. Because if he was the same person, then he wouldn't be where he currently is.

No, if he was who he used to be then he wouldn't be sitting in his English class lost in thought while the people he'd grown to care about actually listened to the lesson.

But here he was. And as much as he liked his old life there was no denying that this was better. He loved UA. He loved his classmates. He loved the idea of being a hero.

There was definitely a part of him that missed the action. A part of him that was restless. Waiting for the next chance to kill someone. But that was only part of him. And he wouldn't act on those urges. Not unless that person really, really deserved it. And not one of his classmates did he feel deserved it. So for now, those feelings would stay in him. Not acted upon.

"Kaminari!" He heard his name shouted and snapped out of his daze. Well, not really a daze. He was fully aware of his surroundings. He was simply electing to ignore his surroundings. English class, he had to admit, got to be a bit boring.


"Did you not hear?" His classmate Mina whispered to him.

"I don't know, what do you think?" Kaminari asked playfully.

"I would imagine that you did because you are speaking to me in English. Since when were you that good at English?"

Wait, what?

Kaminari looked at her with an utterly baffling expression until it sunk in. He wasn't paying close enough attention to what was going on. Mina was speaking to him in English. Out of pure habit, he just answered in the language he had been addressed in.

"Oh, I've been working on my English skills! Practicing in my room a lot." Kaminari put in an extra effort to make his words not flow as easily and his Japanese accent more prominent. He'd been lying about his English skills for long enough that if he now admitted to being fluent in the language he'd be asked too many questions. That kind of lie wasn't a reasonable one. No student lies about something as big as what language(s) they can speak without another reason. He could get out of that kind of situation, sure but it wasn't ideal. Especially if he slipped up in another area. That could cause major issues that he wouldn't be able to smooth over as easily.

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