"Alright, everyone, listen up. I know this place feels creepy, but you guys have to trust me on this one. Other than being a War Zone, there is nothing unordinary about this graveyard. Besides, even if there were, nothing will happen to your real bodies. Remember that this is just a virtual world!"

Since Bren had extensively discussed his plan with the group beforehand, everyone understood the concept of a War Zone.

If it was anyone else relaying this information, Allux and the others would have been highly skeptical. However, these 7 members trusted each other with their lives. Though they expressed some concern, they trusted Bren's words wholeheartedly.

As everyone followed Bren into the cemetery, the same system notification popped up for everyone.

*>System message: You are now entering a War Zone. >Expand for details.*

"Now, all we need to do is ambush anyone who shows up. Hide behind the tombstones so we're out of the line of sight of the entrance. We'll need to hide in a U-shaped pattern so we can easily collapse on anyone who walks into the middle of our formation. Alright, move out!"

Nobody would approach seven people standing menacingly in the middle of a cemetery. After all, they would frighten players if the spooky atmosphere weren't enough.

At this instruction, the crew each hid behind individual tombstones out of sight of the entrance. Since they could no longer communicate simply by talking, Bren pulled up his HUD and sent a friend request to the six members and added them to a new group titled "Brent Clan".

*>Adverse: Are you sure people will show up? This place is creepy enough to drive people away from it.*

*>Brent: Trust me, there will be at least a couple people who decide to come. There will always be at least one lunatic enticed by unsettling things.*

Bren's words were prophetic. In less than 10 seconds, a group of three unsuspecting players passed through the entrance. Similar to Bren's clan, they were expressing their apprehension of the area.

*Uh... They're all melees?*

At a glance, Bren noticed something poor about the party structure. Traditionally, there would be at least one ranged unit in a group of three to make up for the weakness of long-ranged attacks. Of course, this wasn't an ironclad rule. There were definitely rulebreakers in the past, but defying orthodoxy while being efficient was something only someone incredibly skilled or lucky could do. He couldn't say for certain, but these players probably didn't carry either of those characteristics.

*>Brent: Remember, everyone has 10 HP and each attack deals at least 1 HP of damage. The cooldown on your attacks is 1 second, so keep that in mind while fighting. If all of us target one of them, they should fall within two seconds. It's also good news that they're all melees. I'll decide who to target. Wait for my signal.*

Since the attacking speed of a level 0 character was once per second, seven players attacking simultaneously could remove 10 HP from a player in less than 2 seconds. This timing was sufficient for an ambush. After all, everyone was new to this game. It would be stranger if the ambushed players had a contingency plan.

The seven clan members waited behind various tombstones in anticipation of their first battle in Synergy.


Minutes passed with no signs of the three players making any significant movement, and the crew was getting impatient. Even Bren, who was supposed to be the moral support, was beginning to feel anxious. He was faced with a decision - to either take action or keep waiting.

*Hmm... I suspected something like this would happen...*

Either choice he made would be a gamble, but...

Reincarnation of the Gun Swap Goddess [Volume 1]Where stories live. Discover now