3. Young exerciser's meet

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After Navah fell under illusion well, Eli sho drove the chariot towards Xia. But unexpectedly some Fang forces encountered them. Eli sho tried with all his might to fight them before they could harm Navah. After all, he owed his life to Lian who saved him during the rebel's attack and all Lian ever asked him in return was to protect Navah. But at one point he couldn't contain the attacks anymore and was wounded badly. They have also attacked Navah and were about to kill him. 

Luckily at that time, Xian forces were at that place. They have originally come to look for the lost Fang envoy which was supposed to arrive in Xia a while ago but couldn't due to the floods. By heaven's blessing, it is General Gen who was leading the forces and he immediately recognized Navah and took him back to Xia. 

Navah was injured badly from the previous attack in addition to the injuries he sustained at the rebel camp massacre. It took him entire four months to open his eyes. 

"We will rest at outerwater before starting for the faraway estate" announced Navah to the group of apprentices following him. 

"I feel like my bones are going to break any moment from now" Jinxi rubbed his shoulders putting down the luggage. "Why do we have to carry this luggage there is clearly enough room at the storage carriage?" he whined. 

"This is all because of you. You were the one who dragged me to see hunters" Sikai flared. 

"It is not like I forced you, I just proposed the idea and you followed me on your own" Jinxi shrugged his shoulders. 

"Hmph"  Sikai turned her head dragging the luggage box. 

Navah has taken Merxi, Jinxi, Sikai and Ore along with him to Nives for the young exercisers meet, along with other capable apprentices. Before the group of four be happy that they are selected for the meet, Navah has assigned their punishments on the way for trespassing. 

As Navah said the group to rest, some apprentices took the opportunity to shop around the outerwater market. 

Sikai's eyes twinkled at the fine green jade pin displayed at the store. As she was about to take it and examine its beauty further suddenly a handsome pair of hands grabbed it away from her. 

"I'll take this one," Jinxi said to the stall keeper. 

"I am the first who like it!" Sikai flared at him. 

"Too bad, you're late" Jinxi mocked her shoving some mells into the shopkeeper's hand. 

Sikai rolled her eyes, "What are you going to do with a lady's hairpin? It's not like you're a woman" 

"I can still buy for one" Jinxi replied cheekily. 

"Who would want to get a pin from you?" Sikai smirked. 

"Definitely not you" Jinxi made a face at Sikai and evaded a nerve binding Sikai was about to throw at him. 

 "Stop you two, we are already receiving punishments, do you want more?" Merxi dragged his twin brother to the side as he observed Navah looking at the duo from the sidelines. 

It always reminds Navah of him and Sene whenever he got to witness the bickering between Jinxi and Sikai. The last time he visited outerwater was when they just escaped the grave robber's attack and were on their way to Sgon village. It was also here, fifteen years ago he became a Moxie warrior and the fate of Lian and his entwined for the worst. Many years passed by in a blink of an eye yet the memories are as fresh and painful as ever. 

"Merxi, see this, do you think mother will like this Jade pin?" Jinxi asked excitedly. "I will give her when we are back home after our institution and we can serve under our father's command. I cannot wait to show him my sword skills" Jinxi swooshed the jade pin as if it's a sword. 

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