22- Ally (P.1)

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Namjoon's Pov.

I grew up in a house of Omegas. My mother and my sister were the ones who raised me with love and care since my first day on earth. Honestly, I have hardly any memories of my father. I remember he didn't let me watch tv at night. I remember everyone was scared of him. I remember I only saw him around until I was five.

I guess I was different from the other kids since I was young. Playing with dolls? Fire. Color pink? Cute. Fights and football? Not my thing. However, that never meant much to me. I was just used to some concepts, and didn't find them important.

- Hey, Nam! You going to Jessi's party?

- I don't think her parties are my style

- Yeah, she goes a little too far sometimes...but she really likes you! You should go for her!

- She's also not my type

- So?! You can't reject a girl like her! Imagine having the chance to be with her!

Back then, I laughed. I thought it was funny how dumb my friend was. I thought that it was okay not to get to involved, even though I knew his point of view was wrong.

It was around that time, when I was seventeen, that a video became viral. Turned out that a famous actress of the time was telling her story. Her coworker, an Alpha every teenager was in loved with, abused her during the filming of one of their movies.

Everyone was talking about it. Some of them saying how horrible that must have been for her. Others asking why she took so long in talking. I personally felt bad for her. But that was it. A terrible thing that had nothing to do with me. Because I did nothing wrong. I didn't even know her. But the same day I saw it, I had dinner with my mother

- Did you see the video?

- Hmm? What video Namjoonie?

- The one of that actress. The girl of the movie we saw the other night, remember?

- I have no idea what you're talking about, honey

I showed her. I was waiting to gossip about it like my friends did. But that didn't happen. A few minutes in she just whispered

- She is very brave...

It wasn't much later that she started to cry. I couldn't understand at first. I hugged her and stopped the video, confused. I tried to comfort her and understand what was happening. And hearing the truth broke my heart.

Turns out there's a reason to why I never saw my father again. Shitty Alphas are no only the ones that come up on tv. He lived in my house. He hurt my mother. And the reason why they divorced is because he hurt my sister. It was hard to understand what all of this meant. But it must have been even harder for them to go through that.

I hate even today that what made me change was seeing my mother cry. I wish I could've been fighting for them before even knowing. What made me think I needed more reasons than all the ones out there?

It didn't took long before I became an ally of the Omega movement. Soon enough I lost my Alpha friends when I started calling them out on their behavior. But it's better like this. Someday they'll understand. Or at least that's what I hope.

Together with losing all of my Alpha friends, came winning a lot Omega friends that became part of my close circle. People used to say I was only around them because I wanted to sleep with them. But no. If anything doing this changed my way of living my sexuality completely.

Whenever I had a night with an Omega there was a talk before. I always made sure we both wanted the same. They were always sober, just like me. If they want to stop, we stop. If I want to stop, we stop. If they don't want it, neither do I.

However, I did end up in a little bit of a problem. It is hard for me to think of an Omega as sexy without feeling like perverted idiot. I know it's natural, but since I don't wanna make anyone uncomfortable I tend to leave those attractions a side. This is why, being 27 years old I'm still single. Omegas are my friends. And if they make the first move maybe something more for a little bit. But...

There's no way I can find an Omega attractive since day one. And even less one that after having a talk wakes any type of romantic feeling. It's hard for me. It can't happen. Or that's what I thought...until I met Kim Seokjin...

Next Chapter

How can he be so magical?

I know exactly where he's taking you


So now you know him a little bit more! And yes, he's awesome we love him.

On Friday we'll have some Namjin on the present time! Because it's never enough of them ❤️

See you on Friday!

- Baby Y

Omega's Power - Namjin Yoonmin TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now