19- Symptoms

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Pov. Taehyung

As soon as I open my eyes I wanna go back to sleep. My shoulder hurts like burning hell. Last night I made a mistake during dinner. It was a very stupid thing. But it was enough to make Hyungsik mad. I'm pretty sure my son didn't see anything. And I hope I don't get a bruise from it.

Slowly I move out of bed avoiding waking him up. It's too early for him. I need to cook some things so I can sell today. The sooner I have them done the sooner I can get out.

However, the moment I walk one step away from the bed, everything I had for dinner comes back up. I run to the bathroom trying my best not to make much noise. By the end, there's no food left in my stomach. This feeling sucks. I hate throwing up. It's probably because of last night. Though I don't remember him hitting my belly...

After taking a warm shower I get ready to cook. I don't feel sick anymore so I can smile. But that smile lasts less than a minute. Because as soon as I take the milk from the fridge I wanna throw up again. This is not right. The milk is fine, but for some reason the smell makes my stomach turn.

A wave of panic takes over me for a moment. No. It can't be. This is just because I'm a little sick today. That's it. Nothing else. I'm not...I can't be...

The good morning text from Jungkook makes me come back to earth. I answer back and try my best not to think about this. Silently and trying not to take deep breaths I get everything ready.

Things go on as planned. My boyfriend sleeps through the day and his mother takes care of Soobin for now. Meanwhile I go out to sell what I made. Thankfully people buy me some things. Some of them need to eat something before work or want to save it for their lunch break.

After half hour I'm not selling alone. Because, as always, he's by my side. Jungkook smiles widely and tells me jokes but I'm not really in the mood for laughing. After a while he simply asks

- Did you talk to him?

- N-Not yet

- Right...- He sighs -...Tae, it's been a whole month since you said you were gonna leave him

- I-I'm sorry Kookie

- Hey, don't apologize to me! I just...don't like you postponing it all the time

- It's not easy, Kookie

- I know. And I don't wanna pressure you or anything! Whenever you're ready you'll do it. It's just...you don't look happy anymore. And I wanna see you smile as soon as possible

- How can you always be so sweet with me? It makes wanna hug you all day seriously

His cheeks glow completely red. For being an alpha he never hides it when he's embarrassed. He's the opposite to any Alpha I ever met. Which is probably why I love spending time with him. He's so...different

- I can't help it, I guess. Besides...you love sweet words. So how can I stop myself from telling you things you love hearing?

We look at each other and smile. He's by far the best human being on this earth. And I am lucky enough to have him as my best friend.

A few hours later he has to leave me to go to work. And the rest of the day passes as usual. A little boring but nothing terrible. I sell everything I did and I finally can go back home.

But on the way there, the memory of what happened this morning makes me stop. A few blocks away from home there's a pharmacy. And even if I really don't want to spend any money on this, I do.

Back home they're waiting for me to make dinner. But before that I go to the bathroom with the excuse that I didn't get to go all day. Which is true, but not the real reason why I need to go.

It takes two minutes to see the result. The pregnancy test right in front of my eyes so I don't miss a second before knowing. While I wait, I pray. Please God. Not now. Not with him again. Please. Please please.

The moment the result appears my eyes shut and I have to help myself from screaming. From all the things that could happen to me right now. Why this?

I hide the test inside a pocket. And with a hand touching softly my belly I go out of the bathroom. Ready to cook my family dinner, and fake a smile again.

Next Chapter

The most perfect Omega I have ever seen

I'll write about you for the rest of my life


Hi there! A few things! Number one: I'm gonna start writing Hyungsik all together, because it's easier

Number two! How are you liking the story so far? I know, Tae is having the shittiest time, I'm sorry

And number 3 Happy birthday Park Jimin! (Yes, it was yesterday but everyday should be Jimin's day)

Next one we'll see some Yoongi! See you on Friday!

- Baby Y

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