So wrong, yet feels so right D.M

Start from the beginning

However, Draco continued to stand there and smirk at you, enjoying the way you blushed beneath his gaze.

"Sorry about that, princess." He began softly. "They managed to escape me after a while before I finally found them again. I didn't realize how far they had gotten until I saw you."

You rolled your eyes, refusing to let him have any affect on you. "Well, you should pay more attention next time so this doesn't happen again. You're Head Boy for a reason."

Draco chuckled dryly. "I'm Head Boy, because that witch Umbridge thought I would obey her every command."

"Are you claiming you did anything other than obey her every command?" You bit, crossing your arms over your chest as he began to step closer to you. "Last I recall, you were the one who helped her discover and destroy Dumbledore's Army."

Draco narrowed his eyes at your tone. "You don't know anything. You think-"

"Don't tell me what I think and don't think!" You raised your voice at him, taking an angry step forward. "All of my friends hate you, Draco. Everyone in this school hates you. And they have good reasons to. You're a bully, and a misogynistic asshole. So what should I think, hm? That you're some misunderstood boy who doesn't know how his actions effect others? That you're actually sweet, but refuse to show anyone that side of you? I will never think that, because you're not that person, Draco. You're selfish, and that's all you'll ever be."

"I'm not, and you know I'm not." He grit, clenching his jaw and taking a large step towards you. He was now barely an inch away from your face and he could feel your breath fan against his pale cheeks when you gasped at the close proximity. "I know what everyone else thinks of me, Y/N, but what do you think of me? Because it's surely not any of that rubbish. Now that you have my attention, tell me."

You stuttered as he towered above you. "I-I... That is what I think."

"I call a bluff. What were you crying about after that conversation with your friends at lunch today?" He suddenly asked.

You froze in your spot, your body tensing under his touch as his fingers grazed across the soft skin of your cheeks.

"I saw you crying. You ran out of there like you had done something terribly wrong. What was it that you and your friends were talking about? Is it because they walked away from you? Because they left you there? What did you say to them, Y/N-"

"N-Nothing." You whispered, pulling away from his touch, your heart beginning to race and eyes beginning to burn for the second time that day.

"Tell me. Please." He begged softly, reaching out for you. But you turned away before he could grasp your arm. "Was it about me?"

"Yes." You blurted, instantly biting your tongue to silence yourself.

Draco's hope lifted just that little bit more at your confession.

"What about me?" He whispered, his head spinning with every possible outcome that could arise from this conversation.

"I..." You hesitated, the truth almost slipping past your lips. You sighed. You had to tell him. There was no point in hiding it anymore. You needed to tell him, to finally get it off your chest. "I told them that I liked you."

Draco's eyes widened at your words. A small smile graced his lips once they completely settled in, his hands reaching out to turn you around so you were facing him. You refused to look at him. He softly cupped your cheeks and turned your head so you were looking at him, and once your eyes connected with his grey ones, you couldn't look away.

"For how long?" He asked, gently running his thumb along your cheekbones.

You didn't answer him, too lost in his gaze to register his words before you pushed him away and refused to feel bad at the way he frowned at your actions.

"Look, Draco... Yes, you're a good looking person, and yes, I am physically attracted to you, but your personality is absolute trash, and I never wanna be with you." You didn't know why you were saying these things, but you knew you had to say them because you couldn't be with Draco, no matter how much you wanted to be.

It would just be wrong.

Nonetheless, Draco refused to let you push him away. He was finally hearing what he'd been dreaming of hearing from you for three years now, and he wasn't going to let you get away from him now. Not when he finally knew he had a chance.

"You and I both know you don't mean that." He wrapped his arm around your and pulled you against his chest, cradling your face gently in his hand so you were forced to look at him. "Look me in the eye and tell me you don't want to be with me."

You shook your head, your vision growing blurry under his gaze. Draco's heart broke when he watched your lip quiver.

"I can't be with you, Draco-"

"Nonsense." He mumbled, leaning forward and planting a light kiss on your quivering lips.

He kept his lips there for a second, pulling you impossibly closer by the waist when you gasped against his mouth, and stared into your eyes, begging you to look at him, to see him, truly see him.

"You can have whatever you want, love. No matter what anybody else says or thinks, no matter what your brain is telling you. I know you tend to listen to your head rather than your heart, but what is your heart telling you right now?" He whispered against your lips, placing another soft kiss against them. "Do you want this? Does your heart want this? Mine does. It has for the past three years. And I'm finally listening to it. Will you?"

He just stood there, waiting patiently for you to make the next move. He watched as your glassy eyes fluttered close and felt your lips lightly brush agaisnt his. How your hands brushed against his shoulders, causing a shiver to run down his spine.

Your head began to spin when you felt him shiver at your touch. You couldn't take it anymore. You leaned up onto your toes and finally, finally smashed your lips against his, your hands going to run through his blonde hair to tousle the strands. He sighed against your mouth when he felt your hands run through his hair and wrapped both of his arms around your waist, closing his eyes at the sensation.

Slowly, he began to step forward, and you followed his every move. He softly pinned you against the wall, his hands moving up to cup your cheeks and deepen the kiss. His tongue swiped against your mouth, and without hesitation, you parted your mouth for him with a sigh.

As your tongues danced together, tasting each other, you felt him run one of his hands down your body, brushing past your breast and going to your hip to give it a slight squeeze before it stopped at your thigh. He tugged your leg up and you instantly wrapped it around his waist, your lips parting. Draco's lips trailed down from your cheek to your neck, and you sighed softly and tilted your head to the side as he began to suck the soft skin into his mouth.

Draco shivered again when a slight moan escaped your lips as he found your soft spot and softly bit into the skin. He couldn't control himself anymore, and lightly ground his hips against yours, a groan escaping his mouth and vibrating against your neck as you bit your lip.

"Draco." You sighed out his name, and Draco froze against your skin at the sound.

He had to stop, or else he wouldn't have been able to control how far he went.

Gradually, you both began to catch your breaths, Draco pulling away to place his forehead against yours. He watched as your eyes languidly fluttered open, peering up at him with lust blown orbs. He groaned at the sight, releasing your leg from his hold and leaning back slightly so he could contain himself.

"You drive me crazy." He whispered, running his thumb along the marks he made on your neck.

You sighed because of the gentle touch, your hand going up to lace your fingers through his.

"Then I guess we're even." 

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