"remus?" tonks asked when she saw remus looking around curiously.

"remus what's wrong?"aurelia asked again, but he didn't reply. 

suddenly, a burst of flame flew from the sky and hit a patch of grass forming a circle rounding the burrow. aurelia gasped when she saw bellatrix sestrange in front of herself. before anyone could realise what actually was going on, harry zoomed past everyone, ready to kill the woman who killed his godfather.

aurelia watched in horror as remus whipped his wand out,holding it out protectively in front of him. 

"harry!" aurelia yelled, running forward when ginny beat her to it and zoomed past the dark haired witch. 

"ginny! no!" mr.weasley yelled, quickly following her daughter. remus and tonks tried to control the blazing fire and made their way out of the ring of flames surrounding the burrow. 

without thinking much, aurelia darted behind them, pulling out her wand from the pocket, accidentally dropping the piece of parchment sent to her by theodore. 

"harry! ginny! come back!" aurelia screamed, fastening her pace to reach them. the muddy water splashed under her shoes, creating sounds as she continued running.

all of a sudden, aurelia tripped over a rock kept in her path which caused her to fall down on the saturated group straight on her back, evolving a nosiy sound and a loud groan, shortly followed by. 

aurelia rubbed her back, closing her eyes shut for a mini second as pain erupted inside her body. the back of her clothes was completely drenched with water, running a shiver down her injured spine. the water on her hair dropped on her neck causing her to shiver a little. she looked around when she heard some kind of movement around the tall grasses which surrounded her.

aurelia felt her throat going dry due to the amount of fear spiraling around her environment. she heard the sounds of spells being ejected, returning her attention back to her brother. without wasting any second, she leaped forward, ignoring the pain shooting up her fractured ankle. the loud palpitation of her own heart was scaring her, not helping aurelia's absence of faith in herself.

"harry?" she whispered, coming to a sudden halt when she felt someone following her. 

aurelia looked around, making sure that she was safe and took a step forward when suddenly a death eater came out of the shadows of ornamental grass. he was fenrir greyback. 

a smirk appeared on his scarred face when he noticed the amount of fright and terror on the girl's face. aurelia took deep breaths, trying to calm herself down. her first instinct was to scream for help but the distress had like paralyzed her whole body.

you are brave, realise it. sirius' words rang in her head, surging a sudden fountain of courage inside her.

"stupefy!" aurelia yelled but fenrir ducked it and attacked aurelia,sweeping her off her feet. aurelia fell on the ground again, the water seeping inside her already soaked sweater.

 fenrir got on top of her, wrapping his filthy fingers around aurelia's neck, cutting the supply of oxygen.

"it would feel so good to slowly kill you like this." fenrir chuckled darkly before replacing it with a glaring expression. aurelia could feel her body and mind going numb, her heart still pounding rapidly in her chest, probably trying to get some more oxygen to keep her organs alive. 

aurelia felt the life leaving her body but she didn't want to die. she wanted to read what was inside that small parchment which theodore had sent her. she wanted to live happily ever after just like the fairytales she had read during her childhood in her muggle school. she wanted to hear the hearty laughs of her loved ones. she couldn't give up so easily despite seeing the odds of her survival.

gaining up some strength, aurelia spread her arms out, trying to reach her wand which was centi meters away from her. aurelia lifted her legs up and kicked fenrir flat and square near his abdomen, toppling him off her body.

 as soon as fenrir's hands left contact from aurelia's body, she started coughing badly. fenrir let out a grunt and was about to again attack her when aurelia grabbed her wand from the ground and dragged her body away from him.

instantly,a white light came running towards fenrir, sending him flying away.

"aura!" harry gasped, running to get to her sister while remus and arthur went behind fenrir. through the blurry spots, aurelia saw two jets of black smoke rising up in the sky.

"molly." arthur muttered before sprinting away, towards the burrow. 

"aurelia!" remus sighed in relief, kneeling down besides the girl who was still trying to steady her breathing. remus rubbed her back in comfort and helped her in standing up.

tonks immediately engulfed aurelia in a hug causing aurelia to threw herself on the metamorphmagus as she had no energy left in herself.

"i think I broke my leg." aurelia managed to push the words out. 

tonks pulled away and threw aurelia's right arm around her shoulders, remus doing the same with aurelia's other arm. harry, aurelia, ginny, remus and tonks hurried to the front of the burrow where they found the weasley family sadly watching the burrow getting exhausted in the inflammable fire. 

aurelia glanced over at mrs.weasley who looked like she had been just petrified. removing her arms from around remus and tonks' shoulder, aurelia limped up to mrs.weasley and embraced her in a hug. molly let out a soft whimper, caressing aurelia's hair. 

aurelia pulled back and stood besides molly when she noticed the familiar peace of parchment beneath her feet. aurelia bent down and picked it up, eager to read what was inside. her eyes clogged with happy tears when she read the short note.

dear golden, you're so brave.

harry glanced over at his sister who was smiling at something, bringing a small smile on his face. for the first time, aurelia stood up for herself and harry felt so proud of her. 

a/n: I just realized I suck at writing -.- 

anyway, my exams are over yay.

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