Theodore stands up annoyed that I wasn't catching up yet. "Well Max here has people informing him about your fathers move, apparently he'll be there and so will you". My stomach dropped I wasn't ready to see my father just yet. "When?".

"The last day of summer". Max budged in and I looked up at Theodore giving him a hint that first days of school is the next day.

"We don't know how it will play out then, so just get the idea that going back to school isn't an option at the moment". I grab the folder and skimmed through it, there inside is the invitation, my receipt to pick up my dress and the guest list. There was a paper of the guest who are very important allies to my father. I also noticed that Owen, Max and my names weren't on the list. "We aren't invited", Theodore laughed at my comment but I didn't find it funny. At this point I was getting irritated by him laughing at me. "Your going in with different names that's why, so remember them".

I open the envelope and see the name of the invitation, I was going in as Penelope Blythe. I grabbed the invitation out of Max to see what name he was given, he got Marcus Russo. "Ohh nice name you got Mr.Russo", I said mockingly. I extend my hand out so Owen could give me his invitation and see what name was given to him, he got James Truman. I handed him back his invitation, "who exactly are these people anyways?".

"Well Marcus and Penelope are a wealth couple,they have speakeasies all over Europe. But they never show up to the parties they are invited due to the fact they are always attending business first. Nobody has ever seen them so they won't suspect a thing". I internally groan at the fact I have to pretend to be a couple with Max. "As for Owen, he's a cousin of Marcus and also helps out run the business". Well I think as long I have these two close to me everything will be fine.

"We only have this chance Ash, we don't know when we will get another one". I nodded my head and put all the papers back inside the folder.

Theodore than started telling us about the rest of the important people who are going and what we should know if they come up to talk to us. It's a bunch of information we needed to remember, but we couldn't get any of this wrong.

The meeting finally end and the boys and I head over to my manor to grab lunch. Along the way Max keeps mocking me about having to be his fake wife, how he couldn't stand it. "Trust me i hate it just as much as you do Max". Owen and him laughed at my comment. "Ohh honey any girl would be die to be in your place that night". I look at him and roll my eyes and laugh it off, "ohh your so full of yourself".

"Well I bet I can be a better than your ex Draco". I stop walking and turn around to look at Max. He looked amused that he got a reaction out of me.

"I heard you two argue this morning". I flip him off and storm into the kitchen.

I grab a sandwich from the plate left on the table and take a seat. The boys come in and join me, we eat in silence. None of us dared to say anything, I assume we were all thinking about the ball. Minuets later Owen excuses himself from the dinner table leaving only Max and I behind. "Soo.. how are yo-".

"Shut up! Can't a girl have some quiet time". I snap at him and he raises his hands up in defense. I lowly growl and get up to grab some lemonade.

I stood by the window looking out at the garden and only then it hit me, how could've Max gotten this information. I know Asher told me to be careful with him and Owen thought the same thing as well, so I couldn't keep my guard down. What could his plan really be if this is all false.

I jumped when someone placed a hand too dangerous low on my back. "Woah relax it's just me, I didn't mean to startle you", he smirked looking out towards the window.

I take his hand off of me and walk away but he grabs my arm stopping me in my tracks. "Let's go for a walk", he broke into a wide smile. I found this very strange but I had nothing else to do so I accepted.

We walked down to the beach in silence and I tried to avoid this weird thing between by looking at every small detail in my sight. We sat at the bench and once again..silence.

Max pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, "want one?". I opened the box and pulled out a cig and put it between my lips and The entire time I could feel his eyes on me. Max grabbed the lighter and and pressed the flame against the cig to light it up, "thanks".

"Care if I join you two?", Owen took a seat in front of us and opened the box of cig and light it up. The three of us sat in silence and just enjoyed the view and the warmth the sun was giving us.

It was already sun down and now it's only Owen and I sitting out her. Max left his pack of cigs and lighter for us to finish, which there was only half of the pack left. "Do you trust him?", Owen said before lightning up another cigarette.

"No, but we have to". I closed my eyes and take in all the noise around me. The seagulls flying around so freely that I almost envy them, they go wherever without a care in the world. The wave crashing on the rocks and roaring.

"What if things go wrong? Or he does something to you?". Owen cocked an eyebrow.

"Then you make sure to report it Theodore". I know he is a bit on edge and so am I but one of us needs I keep it together.

"He has the mark huh?". I was taken by surprise with his comment but there's no denying it, at least not with Owen when he's been nothing but good to me.

"Yeah". I look at him and then look away into the sunset, I took one last draw from my cigarette before putting it out. Owen and I stayed a little longer talking about all the things that happened this year and hopefully when starting the school year it would be different..a good kind of different.

Hours passed by and now I was walking into my room, I pull out a quill from the shelf and start writing to Draco. I needed to see him or to at least hear me out. Just hopefully he will take my request and come to see me, I wish I could go see him but I don't think stepping foot in that house is the beet thing . Especially if he's having constant visits by Voldemort and other death eaters.

In the meantime all I can do is wait for him. I start reading the letters that I've been receiving from Pansy, Asher and a couple other friends. Pansy wanted to hangout for awhile now so I hoped she would come by tomorrow to spend the day together.

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