through storm and rain

Start from the beginning

"Then choose better names."

A pillow hit the master of fire in the face. "Hey!"

"We'll know when we see him," Nya assured Jay with a loving smile as she looked down at her stomach. "He's going to come out into the world and it won't matter what his name is. The only thing that will truly matter is that he's ours."

"Ugh. Get a room."


• ~ 🌩 ~ •

It was on a cold winter night that Charles Ed Walker was born. The road to the hospital had been quite hectic. Most of the team had been on a mission when Nya went into labour and a huge snowstorm had blown in all day so when Jay helped her into the car the windshield was covered in snow and ice. They were pulled over of course which was probably for the best because Jay was hyperventilating and Nya... well, Nya was in labour so the kind policewomen drove them in her car to the hospital. There their baby boy was brought into the world.

"He's beautiful." Nya slurred tiredly as she stared at the little bundle in her arms. "Thank you, so much officer for helping us." Nya blinked gratefully at the woman.

She smiled and stepped away. "Please, just call me Charlotte. It was my pleasure."

As the woman turned to leave Jay smiled at his wife and child with adoration. He met her eyes with a knowing look. "I think I know what to call our baby."

Nya nodded seriously. "I think I know too."



"What?" Jay exclaimed incredulously.

The officer chuckled as Nya furrowed her eyebrows at his reaction. "She's a little loopy at the moment." Charlotte reminded Jay. "But I feel so honoured if she agrees with the name. If not, that is quite alright. Sneaker is as good as it gets." She teased.

Jay gave her a half-smile as she dipped her hat and left the room. He turned back to Nya who was starting to nod off. "You did an amazing job, honey." He whispered softly, gently taking the bundle in his arms. "The team will be coming soon. Kai will want to hold him, Cole will try and yank him away, Lloyd will be so tired from the mission he'll probably just conk out in the waiting room..." Jay smiled as he imagined the upcoming chaos.

He looked down at the sleeping face of his son with wonder. The small smile of his. "But for now it's just us."

authors note****
Yay! Four hundred followers!!! I'm so happy! I'm going to publish this before it goes down to three hundred and ninety-nine again 😂

Thank you all so much for supporting me! Writing is truly a passion of mine as the positivity I have gotten from the people here on WattPad is so amazing!

Special thanks to all of The_Cozy_Clan , you have made WattPad extra fun! Hopefully, I can get The Story Switch out soon!

I'd also like to thank Dee_Dee_Mclee of course, she is so amazing and always listens when I ramble about my books. Thanks, Dee!

Another thanks to RubyRed883 and the_quiet_jade you are both so awesome and have absolutely made my day with the encouraging comments!

Thank you Nya_ninjago_fangirl I've had so much fun exchanging graphics and ideas with you!

And thank you to all my amazing readers, followers, and voters! You've all made an amazing impact on my WattPad career! 😂 My next generation is coming soon and I'm so, so excited!

So, I'm revealing the book title for the new upcoming story!

Life Is Shorts.

Since I have so many characters I realized how hard it would be to make one giant book. After binge-watching Life In Pieces I realized if I made the story a series of connected shorts, I'd be able to bounce easily from each perspective!

I'll let you all know when I post it! Hope you all have an amazing day!

Thank you all again!


Through Storm and Rain | 400 Follower Special Where stories live. Discover now