I bolted. I heard someone say "Wait, stop!" Their voice seemed to be genuine, and caring, but I didn't care. 

I just screamed back "Goodbye!" I turned down a hall and kept running. I heard something weird behind me though. Wind? All of a sudden I was picked up and lifted off the ground? "WHAT THE HELL, PUT ME DOWN!" I started wiggling, trying to break free of my captor's grip. I looked to my sides and saw big grey wings. 

"Calm down kid, we just want to help." The voice was soothing, but I didn't trust it. I couldn't do anything though. This person's grip is too strong. So I just stilled my body. "Thank you, now how are you moving?" The captor said calmly. Wait this is a genuine question? 

"What do you mean how am I moving? I woke up and started moving. I've been doing that my whole life." I snarled. 

"Thanks for the insight buddy, but you had a pretty big head injury." 

"Head injury? What head injury?" I asked confused.  "Hey, but while we are thinking, can you put me down?" 

"Oh yes, sorry mate." The captor moved down and set me on the carpet. Ha, the loser fell for it. 

I bolted, again. Not the smartest idea, but it was my only idea. I swiftly made a turn into a hall, this is when I heard a, "Wait! What the hell..." The voice just sounded tired. I continued to move farther into the hall. That's when I saw the captor fly past me down the other hall. He had medium hair length that was a dirty blonde. The robe he had on was long and dark green. Though, the most noticeable feature he had was the big dark grey wings behind him. They had accents of white at the bottom of them. The wings were very pretty. I was safe, for now at least.

I continued walking around. The halls were big and confusing. It got overwhelming at points. I think I was walking for around 7 minutes top when I heard heavy footsteps behind me. I turn around quickly, to find a very scary-looking man. He was taller than the other person with wings. He also looked stronger. Like the winged person, he also had noticeable features. This being the large tusks coming out of his mouth, the soft pink hair, and the pointed pig ears. So everyone here is a strong hybrid, great!

"Kid-" The pig hybrid started to speak, but I interrupted him. 

Did he just say "kid?" "Kid? Who the hell you calling kid?" 

"What-" He stopped himself and just stood in confusion. Another person popped up behind him. It was someone a bit taller. He had fluffy brown hair and a soft smile. My head is starting to hurt.

"Hello, I understand you're confused right now, most likely scared-" The brown-haired one tried saying, but I swiftly interrupted him.

"Scared, kid? All wrong assumptions!" I could see their soft facades fading to confusion and irritation.

"Look, we just want to help. Please come with us." The pink-haired one said. 

"How can I trust you?" My breath quicked. I know I can't escape them.

"You don't know who we are?" The brown hair laughed. 

"Don't laugh at- " The words died in my mouth as I became dizzy.

He continued to speak, "I'm Wilbur and this is my younger brother Technoblade." I recognized those names. Now that I think of it, I recognize them slightly. "The other one with wings is our dad, Philza." Wait, Philza, as in King Philza? I gave them a confused stare. My stance was defensive, and I think they noticed that. My head started to hurt again, looks like the adrenaline was wearing off.  The one that was supposedly called Philza said something about a head injury. "Look we can help you, just trust us." The brown-haired spoke again. He slowly started to approach.

I looked up at him, he started becoming fuzzy. My stance was still defensive, so Wilbur approached cautiously. "Calm down. We can explain if you just let us." My back started hurting again, so my stance fell apart when Wilbur put his hand on my shoulder. My head fell against him. I couldn't keep my head up anymore, and he looked somewhat trustworthy... My eyelids fluttered as I started to wobble.

We slowly walked back to the room where I first saw them. Philza? If I remember correctly walked into the room as well. "You got him?" They started talking, but I couldn't really focus on it. We started moving again. The four of us were in what looked to be a small (compared to the rest of the rooms) dining room. I sat down and someone gave me water. I slowly regained basic movements and seeing, but in reality, I just wanted to go back to sleep. Though I can't do that until I know I am safe. The one named Philza started talking again, "Hello, I'm Philza." Well, that confirmed my suspicion. "Do you mind telling us who you are?" 

I started at him and responded, "I'm Tommy Innit." 

"Well nice to meet you, Tommy, I'm guessing you already met my sons Wilbur and Technoblade."

 "Yes, I did meet them." 

Philza started to talk again, "Do you remember anything?" 

I took a brief pause to process the question. "Well I can remember my village being burned and my mom dying as well as the soldier killing my dog, but I don't know how I got this injury. Anything that happened after that actually." 

Technoblade started talking, "You fell back onto your head, so we took you here." 

"Oh" I started to remember what happened. I remember someone standing in front of me, and then me falling back. I heard a bit of talking before, my eyes started getting sleepy. I fell asleep right there on the table. 

--PHILZA'S POV--     

"Do you remember what the soldier- Oh he's asleep," Techno responded 

"Yea, he ran a lot for someone with a near-death injury. Surprised he escaped you." 

I hummed then started talking again, "Well we're gonna have to monitor him more closely because it seems he doesn't trust us, nor does he know who we are." 

Wilbur abruptly spoke "I think he knows who we are, it just hasn't clicked. That's gonna be a funny reaction." 

"Wil not the time. Anyway, let's just take him to the room."

He looked very peaceful when sleeping. A big difference from the chaos he was expressing earlier. I settled him back down in the bed and turned to my sons. "Let's go to bed, it's been quite a long day." They both hummed, agreeing with the statement. I walked out of the room looking back at Tommy. This was going to be a long journey.    

Words: 2582

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