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1. Be nice to other Roleplayers. If your character is a bully thats okay.
2. Cursing is allowed. It makes the rp more interesting.
3. No stealing Oc's or main characters.
4. I accept smut if your Oc is 16 or older.
5. If your 16 and in Ms.frizzles class. What the heck did you do to get held back so Long?
7. Dont just ask to join Then wait for me to reply and not fill out the form. Seriously,Its annoying. Plus i get very impatient when im excited to roleplay and this subject is something im excited to roleplay about.
8 PLEASE play as Felicity (Fused Fiona),Maven and Valerie! This is my most important rule.
9. ONLY Melody and My other Oc Amanda Have powers-That's it!
10. If you know you'll be busy some point during the week,Let me know and i'll Wait until your free.

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