The Dancer and the Band

Start from the beginning

Steve and Chrissie returned to the table with shots for everyone as the song came to an end. "Ohhhh, That was so much fun, thankyou Steve" She exclaimed, letting out a sigh of relief, "No Problem Doll,  it was fun" Steve giggled through his words.  "Who wants next dance?" She quizzed whilst looking at all of us "Well, If you won't dance with her Jonny, I sure as hell will" Joe piped up clapping his hands together in excitement, leaving The rest of us sighing in relief. 

They head for the dance floor just when Duran Duran- Girls on Film blasted through the speakers. "She asked me why you didn't wanna dance with her, she thinks you don't like her man, but I told her its coz you can't dance" Steve whisper shouted into my ear as he leaned into me. I let out a frustrated groan at hearing his words "Just dance with the girl man".... "Hey she does this move when you grab her waist she bends over backwards then comes up real slow and wraps her arms round ya, It's so sexy" He reassured me, trying to talk me into changing my mind. "Alright Alright, I might dance with her, but not just yet" I let out a sigh as I responded "Hey, you won't regret it man" Steve exclaimed whilst downing his shot. 

A giggling Joe and Chrissie return to the table with drinks in hand for the group "I'm so glad we decided to come here, It's the most fun I've had since I came to New York" letting out a sigh of relief between her words, I responded with a smile. "So Chrissie, You got any family close by or do they live somewhere else?" Joe quizzed her while sipping his drink, We all looked at each other as a long pause filled the air "I....Ummm..... Just my pops" She muttered with a fake smile. We could tell she was hiding something, but decided not to press the matter. I know when I met her, she had recently been in an accident but didn't ever tell me anything more about it but I get the strangest feeling that something bad happened. Silence filled the air until Brad burst out of his seat "Gotta go to the John, be right back" causing us all to burst out laughing "Yeah, I'll come too " Tom nodding in affirmation, just leaving Steve, Joe , Chrissie and myself at the table. I caught myself staring at her when she was giggling at one of Joe's jokes. God she's so beautiful, her laugh is amazing "You're so beautiful...." I mutter under my breath. I widen my eyes in shock as I realize I just said that out loud, I look over to her to find her cheeks all flustered, oh god she heard me "What was that Jonny? You wanna repeat that for me?" Steve laughing through his words joined by a loud laugh from Joe "Uhhh.....Nothin, I was just sayin, W-Would you like to dance Chrissie" I stuttered, trying to change the subject, she replied with a nod.

I grasp her soft hand as we stood and made our way to the dance floor, the gentle notes of Wonderful Tonight- Eric Clapton quietly tickling the air. I gently swipe a strand of hair from her face, looking deep into her emerald apertures, a smile escaping her soft lips as she wraps her arms around my neck. I place my hands on her shoulders, slowly gliding them down her sides until they rest on her waist, our surroundings completely falling away until It's just us in a dark abyss. Gently swaying to the melody as I take in her beauty, her fingers playing with strands of my hair. "I-I--" I cut her off by placing my finger to her lips, lightly stroking her cheek and grazing my thumb across her lips "Let's just enjoy the moment" I whispered into her ear, she responded with a smile and leaned into me, resting her head on my chest. 

She lifted her head as the song transitioned into another slow song, I clamped my hands round her waist like a vice, she leaned her body backwards, bending like a snake, then slowly rising up and wrapping her arms round my neck. I bite my lip as I watch her, throwing her a sexy grin as her gaze meets mine. As the song comes to an end, I can't help but look down at her lips, licking my own, I look up to see her doing to same, our hot breaths heating our faces up. We were stood there, swaying to the music, gazing into each others eyes, endlessly searching them. 

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