153 All My Fault!

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Boss Mo wasn't wrong. Currently, Li Ming was in a very, very complicated mood. Mo Fang had just continued to kiss him until he realized that his father had already left before he stepped back. Then, the two of them had looked at each other, Mo Fang's gaze completely clear while Li Ming's expression was complicated.

After another moment, Mo Fang's expression had collapsed. "I thought you were serious about me. How can you tell my father that it isn't what it looks like?" When doing something wrong, the right move was always to accuse the other party of wrongdoing first! That way, a good person would feel guilty and not be able to make trouble for you.

Just as expected, Li Ming who already felt bad, felt even worse. "That ... I am serious about you! That wasn't what I meant."

Mo Fang turned away, scrunching up his shoulders as if he was ready to cry any minute now. "It sure seemed as if that was what you meant." He even put a whiny edge into his voice, making sure that his act was perfect.

Li Ming felt like his heart was bursting with pain. He hurriedly stepped forward and pulled Mo Fang into his arms, for the moment actually not caring about whether the shift was starting or not. "I was worried because he suddenly caught us and our shift was about to start. I didn't want him to think that we were being irresponsible so I said that it wasn't what it looked like. I meant that we weren't just fooling around at the workplace.

"But now that you say it, I also realize that really was the wrong thing to say. Your father probably also misunderstood." Thinking of that, he really became depressed. Getting together with Mo Fang also hadn't been easy but now, it seemed that the next hurdle was even bigger.

Right the first time when he had met Mister Mo not as his boss but as his boyfriend's father, he had made such a big blunder. Most likely, Boss Mo's impression of him had gone down quite a lot. No matter how much goodwill there had been before, there probably wasn't much left.

Also, come to think of it, Boss Mo had known about that matter with Su Yan. Whether it was his unrequited crush or that kiss he had forced on him, he knew all about it. Would he really like this kind of person to be with the son? Probably not.

Mo Fang glanced up and seeing that Li Ming's expression was really tangled, he turned around and cupped his cheeks. "No, don't be like this. It wasn't your fault. I probably should've told my father about you before. It's just that with everything that happened with Lan Heng before, I didn't dare to.

"I'm sorry. If I had reacted differently before, then this wouldn't have happened. My father already would have known and you wouldn't need to worry now. I'm really sorry." Step two after placing the blame on the other party was to apologize tearfully so whatever doubts they would have about your own wrongdoings would be forgotten. He felt that today, he was really making things better and better.

Li Ming shook his head and sighed. "There's no need to apologize. In any case, what I said wasn't nice no matter if it was meant in a different way or not. I just want you to know that I'm absolutely serious about you. There's nothing about being with you that I am not confident about. I will make it clear to your father, okay?"

Mo Fang raised his brows, not actually having expected this. Li Ming turned out to be an even better guy than he had thought. Still, he couldn't give in this easily. "You don't have to, Bro Li. Really. In any case, I also didn't react right by just kissing you. Most likely, my father won't take kindly to that. So I should probably go and explain to him. In any case, I'm his son. No matter what he thinks, he won't make too much trouble for me. With you, it's a different matter though. You're just an employee after all. That's still somebody he might get angry at."

Li Ming felt that usually, these words would sound quite reassuring if not for yesterday where he had overheard the two of them arguing. Whether Boss Mo would get angry at his son or not, it was quite easy to tell. And most likely, Mo Fang had already gotten into quite a bit of trouble because of his relationships before. He didn't want to add to that. "No, let me handle it. In any case, you only kissed me because of what I said before. If I didn't panic, you wouldn't have. So I caused all of this. I'll handle it. Don't worry."

Mo Fang still wanted to argue but Li Ming already shook his head. "Don't bother. It's alright. I'll go there after my shift. For now, we should go and take over from the others though. It's probably a bit late by now after all."

Mo Fang finally 'reluctantly' agreed with Li Ming. Giving him another quick kiss, he rushed off to the service counters, apologizing to his coworkers. Well, considering what Zhi Bao Yu had told them, the others couldn't even be angry at him.

Rui Lan's ex-girlfriend-turned-girlfriend-again couldn't help but crane her neck and take a look at him from the place where she was working. "So, is Bro Li a good kisser?"

Mo Fang immediately turned on his acting skills and averted his gaze, while touching his cheek. "Sis Cang, how do you even know about this? Bro Li and I just got together this weekend and haven't told anyone. Even my father didn't find out until today. How come you are already in the loop again?"

The others couldn't help but laugh at him and then motioned over to the counter where Zhi Bao Yu usually worked. "Isn't it all thanks to Sis Zhi? In any case, I'm really disappointed in you for not telling us beforehand. Are we friends or not?"

"Friends! In any case, I'll tell you all about it. But I'm already late so let me get ready for work first." He hastily started to arrange everything and then waited for an opportunity when there weren't as many customers around to gather with the others and gossip a little.

Second Male Lead to One, Male Lead to Another (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now