Chapter 3 🍂:: The day she became an audience favourite

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As Jun, Sinb and Wonwoo exit the auditorium. Two girls run out to a flower stall. Buying a bouquet of red and white roses. Jun turns his head to their direction. To see them running towards Yerin giving her the bouquet.

"Here! These are for you, we loved your performance!" One of the girls complimented her. "Aww thanks. These are beautiful!" Yerin thanks them. "Yerin unnie! Over here!" Sinb calls out to Yerin. "Ah, I'll have to go now. Thanks for the flowers!" Yerin heads over to Sinb.

"You did so good!" Sinb compliments her. "You were great out there! Your performance was the only one I payed attention to." Wonwoo wraps one arm over Yerin's shoulders.  "Thank you both! Jun how was it?" Yerin asks him.

Jun hesitates for a moment, trying to figure out the words he was going to say. "Did you not like it?" Yerin asks him in a disappointing tone.  "It was great. I never seen anyone play like that before. And the girls who gave you the flowers right after they saw you perform one time. That was a first."

"Aww really?" Yerin asks Jun surprised with his answer. "Yeah. I competed here too, I never seen anything like this before." Jun replies. "Thanks!" Yerin thanks Jun.

Timeskip to the end of the competition

Sinb rushes out, followed by Jun, Yerin and Wonwoo. A bunch of people crowd around the wall where one piece of paper stuck. The results of who passes the first round. "Yerin, your name is there!" Sinb points to Yerin's name written underneath "Audience award winner".

"Yerin you made it to the next round!" Sinb exclaims. "Wow I didn't expect that!" Yerin replies surprised. "Perhaps we should start to head back now? We have school tomorrow." Yerin asks. "Sure, I'll walk you back home." Wonwoo responds. "We'll see you tomorrow. Bye!" Jun and Sinb goes back together.

"I told you she was going to make it." Sinb nudges Jun on the shoulder. Jun and Sinb heads back home together. "I am surprised she did though. Its not that I'm not happy for her. Competitions are strict about the score, how the piece was played." Jun replies to Sinb.

"Its almost as she doesn't care about the competition at all. Even she herself said she was surprised she made it past." Jun speaks to himself. "Well thats great for her. She deserves it. Everyone loved her performance." Sinb speaks.

"I'll be heading this way. I'll see you tomorrow at school ok?" Sinb points to the road to her left. "Yeah sure, goodnight." Jun walks away. As he enters his home. He looks up and sees a portrait. With flowers and candles. "Mom, I'm home." He looks into the painting.

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