The Glitching Madness

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Everyone, including the villains, watch as a red portal opens up. A hand reaches out, that was a deathly white with no skin along the fingers. The hand grab the portals edge and pulled its owner through. "He—————ya..."

Most people recoiled in shock but Katsumi stepped forward. "What is that thing?" She then shakes her head and moves towards it, charging an explosive. "You know what, I don't care it's just another annoying bug in my way." She says to the masculine figure his head snaps up to meet her eyes. "I c0uld s4y th3 s4m3 th1ng ab0ut YOU!" He repeated 'you' over and over again.

He goes to wipe the blood pouring from his mouth but ends up getting his hand stranded in it, he yanked it forward making the blood become longer, he then snapped the strings and looked towards Katsumi. As he was saying 'You' he continued to sloppily whip the string at her. He eventually gives up on hitting her.

The Villains get annoyed and order the nomu to kill him. It lunges at him and shatters his skull. Every gasps in shock but the skull slowly reforms he turns to the bird, he folded his fingers inward towards his palm and quickly flicked them out causing the strings to tie around a heart that appeared in front of the nomu, just then All Might burst through the door and sees the nomu being held. "So—0rry friend y0——u l00k s-s-s-strung up, he————ers a helping hand!" He yelled as he yanked his hand back causing the heart to shatter and the nomu to slump over.

"T-T-Th@t wa————s ru-ru-rude...Who d-id that?" The buggy skeleton asks as the villains brag about how they have millions of nomu's, Fatal gets annoyed and whips the ground in front of them, making them shut up and look to him. No one could understand him due to his annoyance, as he tried to speak a garbled mess came out, that was indecipherable. "Shu-no-ju-go! L-now!" Barely anyone could hear his voice as he yelled in anger. He understood that he couldn't be heard reasonably, so he takes a deep, glitched, breath and exhales.

"I-I s@————id, Shüt u-p and go. Le-e——-ave nOŵ." After finishing what he said earlier the girl with all the hands just scoffed and ran at him, everyone tried to warn him but when her five fingertips touched him, he started to bug out. 'A Fatal Error has occurred, please hold..." The hear a voice say as a bar appeared above his head with the word rebooting floating above, when the bar hit its capacity a dragon skull appeared with a white orb in its jaw. "G-GET ØFF MĘ NÒW!" He roared and yanked his arm away the villain had a confused look due to his lack of decay. "How did you not die?!" She asks in anger but this just pisses the undead glitch of more, he then wraps the same cables around her skin as she begins to his in agony, he then walked up to her yanking the rope back to make her hover. "Ŷou hAve the au-me y-al-trig!" He garbles out no one understands him as he yells, a greenette slowly starts to piece together the garbled words, and eventually it clicks. "He's talking but it's just mixed together!" She says as every student snaps to look at her, a white and red haired girl eventually spoke. "What do you mean Midoriya?" She asks as he continues his garbled speech.

"I mean he's speaking in our language, but it's garbled, like just then he said 'What do you think your doing?! You could've triggered a panic attack!' And so on." Everyone looks at her gobsmacked at how quickly she, somewhat, deciphered his speech.

He kicks the villain back, she groans in pain slowly getting up, holding her side. He snaps his fingers and a dragon skull holding a white orb within its jaw, the skull charges up and All Might speaks up. "Four or Five moments!" The boy turns to her confused. "W-What?" He asks his eye socket widening, representing a questioning look. "Four or five moments. that's all it takes." She explains expecting the bugging skeleton to understand. "T0...?" He asks rolling a hand, gesturing her to continue with her speech. "Be a hero." The villain groans as he punches her face,in about the nose area making her groan louder due to the pain, she then takes a step closer. "Everyone thinks it's a full-time job. Wake up a hero. Brush your teeth a hero. Go to work a hero. That's not true. Over a lifetime, there are only four or five moments that really matter. Moments when you're offered a choice. To make a sacrifice, conquer a flaw, save a friend, spare an enemy. In these moments, everything else falls away." He looks down to the girl and sighs, as the skull fades away along with the orb, she sighs in relief. "Thank you." He just roles his 1s and 0s for eyes and walks over to her as the villains portal away, she puts a caring hand on his shoulder. "What's you name young man?" She asks as she pats his back, acting like a parent. He looks down and shakes his head in a somber way. "I-I d*nt rÉmemb——er mŶ Orīginål name...I gö bŷ Fâtāl. Fátal Ërrör." He puts his hand out in a shaking gesture and she accepts as she explains he'll be put in the hero course at UA. He just nods and closes his eyes, everyone is confused until they hear snoring, a see through person appears next to him. "He is mentally very damaged. Having very emotional moments, taking random naps, and forgetting things very often unless it's within his long term memory. This is his unfortunate position, I'd recommend not insulting him or arguing with him when he is angry just let it pass." The skeleton says glaring at Katsumi, almost as if he knew she would be a problem, for his condition. He then picks him up heading out of the building and into the bus placing him on two seats in a laying position.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2021 ⏰

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