chapter 24 - forgive me

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     Zayne took a moment to process what Aspen has just said. Adrian's coming, right now.

     "Ha? You're kidding. How does he know where you live?" Astrid asked, this was a little too sudden, even for her. Aspen started to feel a little bad and his eyebrows pulled into a frown. "He just knows and shows up whenever is convenient for him. I'm really sorry." He said in an apologetic tone.

      "But least he called this time." He added, muttering. Now they had a few minutes heads up before Adrian came knocking. "No, no, no. What am I going to do. I cant meet him." Zayne, who was standing to the side, started to panic.

     The mere thought of Adrian or the mention of him already made Zayne's heart pound. To actually see him again and talk to him, Zayne doesn't know how it might end. He doesn't really want to know.

     Astrid turned to look at Aspen like it was his fault. "Say something?!" She mouthed to him and motioned her head towards Zayne. Aspen looked from her to Zayne. "It's... it's going to be fine." Aspen said, the only thing that came to mind.

     Although, he didn't really think that way but Zayne doesn't need to know that. Astrid groaned at what Aspen had decided to say. "Yea, you can... you can use this as a chance to talk, to get him to explain, right?" Astrid added and elbowed Aspen, signalling for him to help.

     Aspen grabbed both of Zayne's shoulders and looked him in the eyes. "Talk to him about your feelings, tell him what you really feel." Aspen said, 100% serious.

     "What? No way, I can't do that. I can't tell him, ever." Zayne groaned. He didn't feel confident enough and was pretty sure Adrian does not feel the same way, since all he's ever done was hurt him.

    "What? Why not?" Astrid raised her eyebrows. This could be Zayne's chance to get Adrian back but he didn't even want to try. "I already know it's not going to end well." Zayne explained while looking at Aspen and thinking back to what happened with him last night.

     "You don't know that. Last night was your trial run, now you can talk to him for real." Aspen encouraged. "Yea and well be here for you, if anything happens." Astrid added in, although not knowing what they were talking about.

     That's when the door bell rang. "That's your cue." Aspen cleared his throat and announced. Zayne's eyes widened and he sucked in a breath. Aspen shook him a few times. "You'll be fine." He repeated.

     Astrid nodded from behind them. "Well, go open the door then." She said and flashed him a smile before Aspen turned him around and pushed him to the door.

     Zayne stumbles forward and grabbed onto the door knob. "Hey open up." Adrian called from outside and knocked a few more times.

     Zayne took a deep breath then pulled open the door. From outside, Adrian was expecting Aspen and definitely not Zayne. His eyes widened a little as he stood there staring at Zayne.

     "Zayne." Adrian greeted. Zayne's breath caught up in his throat as he looked down at the floor. He still felt that he wasn't ready.

     "Hey bro." Aspen came over and greeted as he slung his arm around Zaynes shoulders. Zayne relaxed a little as he felt Aspen's weight on him. Adrian tore his eyes off of Zayne and turned to look at Aspen with a glare.

     "Welcome." Aspen wasn't bothered by it and pulled Zayne closer to his side, making space for Adrian to come in then shut the door after him.

     "You're doing fine." Aspen whispered to Zayne and gave him a little squeeze as they led the way into the house.

     "Stop walking." Adrian demanded from behind them. They could tell he wasn't very happy. Aspen slowed down his steps to a stop at the end of the doorway.

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