"Nice of you to finally join us," Fred spoke with a knowing grin shot in his twin's direction.

"Yeah well, I had something to take care of," George grumbled, sharing a glance with you and rolling his eyes when Fred let out a mocking laugh.

The beginning of the meal went by as normal, the family laughing and joking, you joining in. You'd just placed some more food in your mouth when you felt George's hand on your thigh, just above your knee - the place he knew got you worked up. You glanced over at him, but his focus was on the conversation going on about a new muggle artefact Arthur had discovered at work.

Thinking it was just a coincidence, you went back to eating, however you suddenly felt his hand slide up your thigh slowly, fingertips squeezing gently, and dancing across the waistband of your trousers. Noticing the small smirk on George's face, you shook your head a little at him, gesturing discreetly at the rest of his family, but he didn't seem to be too concerned.

His hand moved down into your underwear, his fingers finding your clit easily - both from practice and from just knowing your body so well - and he gently began tracing circles, making your hips jolt forward and causing you to almost drop your fork.

He gave you a cheeky grin, "Everything okay there, love?" You grit your teeth as you replied, "Everything is just fine."

His applied a little more pressure, circling faster and making you bite your lip. You swallowed a content sigh so as to not egg him on, and tried to focus on the main conversation, which had moved onto Hogwarts.

"So Y/n," Molly began, making everyone turn to you, including George, who shot you a half smirk before picking up his pace, making you swallow harshly, "How are your lessons going?"

"They're going quite well, Molly!" You replied, though your voice was slightly shaky, "I'm enjoying Care of Magical Creatures this year, there's some interesting-" you let out a half gasp as George suddenly pushed a finger into you, earning a few looks of concern.

"Are you okay, dear?" Molly asked, "Do you need me to get you anything?"

"Oh no! I'm fine, thank you! I'm sorry, I don't know what happened there! But as I was saying, there's some interesting creatures we're learning about this year, so I'm really excited," you smiled, hoping no one would be suspicious (nobody seemed to be, even Fred seemed preoccupied and wasn't paying much attention, which you were thankful for.)

Hermione began talking about her own lessons, and you shot a warning glare over at George, who smiled innocently at you, as if he wasn't currently fingering you under the table where his family were eating their evening meal. He added a second finger casually, bringing you closer to the edge.

He moved his fingers in and out, smirking to himself as he continuing eating his meal with one hand. He carried on for a couple of minutes and your hips began thrusting slightly towards his hand.

However, just as you clenched around him, he stopped what he was doing for a moment. You glared up at him, raising an eyebrow but he just shot you a lazy half smile, waiting for you to come back down a little before moving again, purposely teasing you.

Thankfully, the food was eaten quickly, meaning George had to stop. You were both grateful for that, and annoyed as you were now even more frustrated than before, as he hadn't actually let you finish.

Soon after the plates were cleared, Molly ushered you all into the living room to sit down and wait for her to bring you all some hot chocolate. It was a tradition you adored usually, however since you were sat near your hot boyfriend who had now made you extremely sexually frustrated, you couldn't wait for everyone to just go to bed.

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