Chapter 19: Tiffany's Dilemma

Start from the beginning

Tiffany threw the papers in horror. Suddenly, she can't breathe properly. Her knees weakened, causing her to slam down the floor. Her sight turned blurred. She couldn't hear anything. And everything around her stops. It's like as if the world stopped on her. She held her chest. And as she closed her eyes, memories of her late father smiling at her was shown.

"Appa." She whispered shakily.

"Tiffany?" Sooyoung peaked inside the office and saw no one on the swivel chair. She saw the scattered papers on the floor and instantly felt nervous. Immediately, she closed the door and rushed to the table.

"Tiffany!" She screamed in horror. Tiffany is laying on the floor lifelessly with her hand on her chest, showing how hard she fought for her breathing.

"Oh my gosh! Tiffany!" She supported the brunette's head and lightly tap her cheeks to wake her up. Just like that, Tiffany woke up and hungrily suck up the air like as if her soul just came back to her body.

"Tiffany, what happened!?" Sooyoung is so worried. Her heart is racing because of nervousness.

The brunette sat up, she stared at the papers on the floor. And suddenly, she stood up aggressively. Tiffany pick up the papers and shove them at the envelope harshly.

"What's wrong?" Sooyoung eyed her friend curiously.

"Taeyeon killed my father." Tiffany declared in gritted teeth.

"What? How can she do that? You just met her, right?"

"I do. But she had known my father all this time. She killed him." She bitterly said.

"Tiffany, let's not conclude first. Let's hear her explanation." Sooyoung tried her best to calm Tiffany. But the Tiffany in front of her is far from the open minded Tiffany she had known for years.

"There's no need for explanation, Sooyoung. Everything is crystal clear. Taeyeon murdered my father. And now I know the answer why she is so invested in helping me. It's because she killed him." Tiffany spoke every words in anger. She even glared at Sooyoung before starting to walk away.

"Where are you going? Taeyeon is on her way. Let's listen to her side, Tiffany." The tall lady chased her.

"You called her?" Tiffany eyed her friend in disbelief.

"What do you expect me to do? Let that creepy Jung mess with your mind? Tiffany, you said it yourself last night, there's nothing we can get from revenge. We should listen to Taeyeon's side too." At this moment, Sooyoung is already losing her hope. Watching the fire in Tiffany's eyes is very difficult for her. It's like, no matter what she say and no matter who talk to her, her mind is already closed for them.

"Easy for you to say because it's not your father that had been murdered." She pushed the tall lady from blocking her way.

"Tiffany! What about your work? You have a meeting!" Sooyoung shouted.

"I don't fucking care! Let this fucking building burn down with her! If this is her way of payment for my father's death then no fucking thanks!" Tiffany shouted back angrily before storming out of her office. The envelope is on her hand and she's holding it tightly.


Taeyeon drifted her car recklessly right in front of the Hwang Publishing Corps. Everyone's attention is on her car. Without wearing a glass or a cap or anything that could cover her face, still wearing her office suit, she push the door and harshly shut it down.

The passersby and some of the workers are surprised to see such a beautiful woman driving like that. Some of them recognized her as Kim Taeyeon. And those who recognized her teared up to see her again. Her fans are happy. Taeyeon noticed that. And this is what she really expected from her fans. Far from the reaction of the fake fans that are outside her Mall few days ago.

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