Chapter IV

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.The Day.

TW: Adult language, Name calling, Degrading, violence, a little spice. Read with Caution

A/N: I do NOT encourage name calling nor do I encourage degradation or violence, this is just a story I'm writing.  <3

Ursa's POV:
Last night I just fell asleep early without a thought, I woke up and it was 6:30am. I needed to get ready quick cause' classes started at 7:30 and I wanted to have breakfast with Xannon, I was actually looking forward to spending time with him this morning.

Getting into the shower, doing my hygiene routine and brushing my teeth in the shower to kill time. All this time I was thinking of him— fucking Xannon Black.

I finished getting ready and made my way down the stairs that connected to the girls dormitories, heading for the door of the common room. I was going to be late, I would not even be able to eat breakfast fully. So I rushed to the great hall.

Coming in with a loud entrance, I headed towards the Slytherin table where Black was waiting for me, waving me down to sit with him.

"Good morning Darling how did you sleep," he asked scooting over for me to sit next to him and his friend I suppose, "I slept alright, a little sleepy as you can tell," I let out a small chuckle.

"where are my manners, Riddle this Lux, Lux this is Riddle" black signaled between me and the guy seated beside me.

"Hades call me Hades," he extended his hand for a shake, I stretched out my hand returning the gesture "Ursa, Ursa Riddle."

Hades wasn't bad looking either I thought, though I also couldn't get Black off my mind. "Has she met Malfoy yet, Xano?" he questioned Black

"Yes she was, she is the one that made him bitch about the Cruciatus curse," god now everyone is going to know me as the girl who cursed Draco, but if I'm being honest he deserved it for slapping me.

  "No— you, you?," he said in disbelief.

"Yes why?" I asked and he just shook his head returning to his food. "Anyways I better get going I'm already late," I gave them a small smile as I left.

I heard footsteps behind me, when Black caught up with me "We actually have the same classes let me walk you?" he asked politely, which I nodded signaling that it was ok to walk me.

He was definitely different around his friend I noticed, he was more freely spoken and laughing but when it was just the two of us, he was more shy and slightly nervous.

My— well our first class was potions, which I was very excited for. Maybe we will be able to be partners for this class. One thing I hated about this walk, was he didn't talk to me on the whole way to class.

He was just silent, once in a while waving to his fellow friends who passed by, but that was it. not a single word was uttered to me.

I was glad to arrive to class after all it probably would be good if we weren't partners, though I hope if I was stuck with someone else I wouldn't regret it.

Xannon's POV:
I wanted to walk her to class, I wanted to talk to her but I was nervous. It was easier for me to speak to her when I was around people, but alone was something different.

Riddle was a very special girl I never wanted to hurt her, I could tell her heart was to pure but when required she was a Riddle. this may be moving a little to quickly but I had to tell her, I might ask her to hangout then we'll go from there.

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