Chapter II

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.The Day Before.

TW: A lot of Adult language, name calling, downgrading, violence, Read with Caution!

A/N: I do NOT encourage name calling, or downgrading nor violence this is just a story with these triggers. In Draco's POV there is a lot of adult language and he is rude, cause that's how I made him just a heads up. I also wanted to mention my lovely wife for some of the ideas, thank you my love chanel💋

Ursa POV:
As I was chatting with my new friends, one of the professors came up to me and gave me a piece of paper. I suggested this is my schedule for the rest of the year.

I had Potions, Charms, Defence against the dark arts (DADA), Herbology, Transfiguration and Astronomy. In that order exactly.

I didn't mind having Potions first, I was quite advanced in potions. I was actually great at all of these except Herbology, I didn't really care for that lesson.

As I finished somewhat eating, Pansy decided she would help me find my dorm and give me a tour of the school, which I agreed to. I guess I should make some friends  and try not to make enemies, right?

There was this one thing bothering me though as I was sitting in front of the blonde boy, he looked oddly familiar to me but I didn't pay much attention to him. That's when it clicked, if Draco is a Malfoy then he or his family has to be associated with my father.

I'm not going to worry about it though, I will just enjoy my time at Hogwarts and attempt to make some friends.

Pansy then snapped me out of my thoughts "Ready for me to show you the dorms?" she asked in a soft and sweet tone, like as if she wasn't trying to rip my head off a few minutes ago. "Sure, that would be nice, thank you" I said trying not to sound rude, maybe ill make her my friend.

We then got up from the table, when she kissed Draco's cheek telling him that we were leaving. Ugh just the sight of me seeing that made me wanna' throw up.

One thing that I learned from pansy is she's a very talkative person, she talks so much like does she ever shut up.

As we were walking towards the Slytherin common room. She was talking to me about the different houses, who to stay away from and the teachers.
We arrived to the Slytherin dungeons, in order to get in pansy whispered "Pureblood," she then turned to me and said "all houses have a password to enter, they change from time to time but that's it." I just simply nodded and smiled, we walked in and she asked for my schedule.

Examining the paper in her hand she squealed "OH MY GOD, we share a dorm!" ugh great now I have to share a room with her."That's going to be a lot of fun" I said trying not to sound to sarcastic for her to notice.

She then dragged me up the stairs, towards the dorms. we got to the dorm and it looked pretty nice, two beds one on each side of the room. "It has only been me in here, so sorry for the little mess." Pansy said breaking the silence, "Oh, that's fine." I spoke lowly, looking around the room.

"well I will leave you to unpack, bye miss," pansy said walking out of the dorm, shutting the door behind her.

I noticed that when I had gotten here my luggage was already brought up to the dorm. Pansy's side was a bit messy but who am I to judge, the dorm room was quite spacious I thought as I started unpacking.

I organized all my books into the little nightstand beside my bed and fixed up my clothes into the closet, that was split between me and pansy. I looked around noticed I had nothing else to do, so I decide I should just relax and read for a bit before dinner.

I was so deep into my book that I didn't notice the knock coming from the door, so to my surprise I look up to see a tall and slender body at  the foot of my bed.


Really what was he doing here, more importantly why was he here. "yes Malfoy?" I asked with a disgusted tone in my voice. He just stood there like and idiot, "Hello, idiot are you listening?" He then snapped out of his trance and spoke "Where is pansy?" Oh I had forgotten they were a thing.

"I'm not sure, why don't you go look for her since she's obviously not here." I told him rudely, returning back to my book. he didn't leave, no he just stood there like a stupid fool. "Someone is in a horrible mood" he spoke slightly laughing.

I scoffed "what's so funny?, can you just leave," I don't know what was so funny or why he was still here. "I can stay if I want to, in fact I'll till pansy gets back," he said with a slight smirk on his face. It was just my first day here, and god he was terribly annoying.

"fine, whatever" I responded rolling my eyes, going back to read my book.

some time has went on and as I glance up from time to time, he's just there on her bed staring at me. "Its rude to stare at someone Malfoy." I spoke looking up at him, he just simply got up and walked towards the foot of my bed and said "I am aware, I'm not no fool Riddle." this boy is really getting on my nerves.

"Oh are you sure about that?" I said closing my book, getting up from my bed. I will hurt this boy if I have to and I don't care if I do or not. "I'm more than positive slut." he spoke like if it was easy to call me that word. This boy really had some nerve. "what did you just call me you Deatheater." I said with no regret, that's when he did the unpredictable.

He slapped me right across the face.

I was in pure shock and I was furious, he is going to pay for that little stunt. " You bitch, you're going to regret that." I spat at him with pure madness. "Give me your best shot, c'mon show me." he said, his blood was starting to boil.

without a thought I took out my wand, pointing it to the boy in front of me and yelled "crucio" with out a thought.

his body fell to the floor, he curled into a ball. Screams of him begging me to stop left his mouth, but I didn't stop just yet. " Aww is poor Malfoy hurt?" I spoke with no sympathy for him. "Fuck, stop this now!" he screamed at me. "That's not how you ask, looks like someone doesn't have any manners." I laughed saying those words.

"Someone needs to ask with respect." I kneeled down giving him a pouty look. I can honestly say I was kind of enjoying this. "Ursa please stop this." he screamed in pain, you know what they say all good things must come to a end. so I stopped the curse he was trying to catch his breath, unbalanced as he tried to stand up.

" Now you know not to test me, cause I will not hold back!" I shouted at him existing the room and slamming the door shut. I didn't give him a chance to speak before I left, I didn't wanna hear what he was going to say. I was walking trying to clear my head from the annoying blonde boy, when I bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry, here let me help you up." he spoke so kindly, his voice sounded like honey. "Oh thanks, I'm sorry I just transferred here and you are?" I asked trying to speak nicely.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed🤍 and a very Thank you so much to the lovely miss chyan, for helping me I love you darling Ttcbxx.

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