Chapter III

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       .The Night Before.

TW: Adult language, Name calling, Degrading, Violence. Read with caution

A/N: I do NOT encourage name calling nor do I encourage Degrading and violence this is just a story I'm writing. <3

Ursa's POV:
"Hi I'm Xannon Black, your name is?," the boy that I bumped into asked,Might I say he's quite good looking. I snapped out of my thoughts and responded "I'm Ursa, Ursa riddle," I stuck out my hand for him to shake, which he gladly took.

I thought he was kind of cute so I decide to make small talk, "what year are you Black?," I ask him tilting my head slightly looking up. "year six, what about you Love?," he replies sounding so sweetly and the fact he called me love in such a soft tone, I could've died right there. "I'm also a sixth year," I respond to his question, looking up at him through my eyelashes.

"Do you want to join my for dinner in the hall?," he shyly asked, which I thought was kind of cute suggesting I made him nervous. "I wouldn't mind a meal with some who is alright looking," I told him not wanting to sound desperate. "Great I'll walk you there," he replied extending his hand, for me to walk forward. Which I did and he followed behind me.

"So what brings you to Hogwarts" Black asked trying to start a conversation "I got kicked out of Beauxbatons," I said lightly laughing. "Any particular reason?," he smiles looking down at me, god he's tall. "I got tired of that school, also cause' a fight," I answered his question, looking down afraid of what he was going to say but honestly I could care less.

"Did you win?," he was intrigued to know, which took me by surprise. "Yes that's why I got kicked out, she didn't look to pretty after," I say slightly proud of myself, he nods and looking forward he grabs my hand tangling our fingers together. A light blush appears on my checks with a faint smile.

we then get to the grand entrance of the great hall, Black walks in first opening the door for me. As we walk towards the Slytherin table, I see pansy wrapped around Draco asking if he is alright. He is just a big baby if he was a Deatheater he sure is a fucking weak one.

"Hey , Xannon over here," the blonde brat yells, waving his hand in the air. As we walk over I trip over pansy's foot "Don't touch my boyfriend bitch," she spoke rudely towards me. "Maybe next time it wont be your boyfriend," I spat back at her, as Black helped me up.

"Are you ok Love," he asked gripping my waist, seating me next to him. I just gave him a slight nod, looking down because I was embarrassed

After a while me and Black were talking and he was getting quite flirtatious, so in return I did the same. "Riddle, do you have your schedule on you," he asks, grabbing my hand on the table. "No it's back in my dorm, why?," I confusingly ask him.

"I wanted to see how many times out of the day I get to see you," He scratches his neck while telling me. That's when he heard a slam on the table from, the one and only blonde brat. "Black don't fucking tell me your trying to get with this slut!," he shouted furiously, making many eyes shift right to our table.

"What the hell is your problem Malfoy," Black calmly asked, getting up to meet Malfoy over the table. "Her, that's my problem," this could end two ways bad or good.

before anything happened Malfoy just glared at me and left out of the great hall, of course pansy ran after him.

"Don't worry about him, he's just a dick most of the time," Black said grabbing my hand. "Yea I know, he doesn't like me because I used the Cruciatus curse on him," I said looking down.

He looks around to see if anyone heard us, then grabs my hand running out of the great hall. We went all the way towards the Slytherin dungeons, he whispered the password and we entered.

"What are we doing here?," I asked sitting down on the black leather couch in the common room. "I wanted to talk to you and get to know you, also why you cruciod Malfoy," he said sitting down next to me.

"Well then lets not talk here," I get up walking towards the girls dorms, I look behind me and see him following me upstairs.

I opened my door and walk in, good thing Parkinson wasn't here.

Xannon's POV:
Riddle took me to her room, I can't let this go wrong. I need to get to know her, we walk in and I shut the door behind me. It looked like she shared a dorm, I just didn't know with who.

"Who do you share a dorm with?," I asked her breaking the silence. "I share a dorm with pansy," she says sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Well since we are in your dorm where's your schedule," I say remembering she said it was in her dorm, "oh right here it is," Riddle says grabbing the piece of paper out of her nightstand.

I'm examining her paper and turns out I only have potions with her, I need to change this quick. I memorize all her classes she has and what times before handing it back to her.

"Turns out I forgot something in the hall, I need to go get I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast alright," I tell her heading out the door, leaving her without anything more to say. As I'm leaving the Slytherin dungeons to go to professor Dumbledore, Malfoy is walking out of the bathroom with pansy.

Gosh the sight of them makes me want to barf, "maybe when your done with Riddle I can have a turn," he says laughing. I just ignore him, when I pass by I hit his shoulder making him stumble back.

If this is going to work I need to be with her at all times of day.

I make it to professor Dumbledore's office and I knock, "come in," I hear from the other side of the door. I walk him and shake his hand immediately "What brings you here Mr.Black," he asks sitting down behind his desk.

"I wanted to know if I can switch classes, cause' most of the classes I have I took last year," I reply handing him my paper. "Well that doesn't seem like a big problem, I will let your professor's know," he says writing a new schedule, hoping to get the same as Riddle.

"Here you are," the professor hands me a new paper. "Thank you, I should go it's nearly lates out," I respond heading out of his office, once I get out I check my schedule and see I have all except one class with her. I guess just having one without her is fine, though I did noticed she had all classes with Draco.

I make my way back to the Slytherin dungeons, suggesting if I should go back to her room or not. I'll just go back to mine and see her tomorrow morning like I told her.

A/N: sorry this is such a short chapter and it took long to come out but I want to say thanks to my dearest friend miss chyan for helping me with my chapters I love you so much

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