"Well that was something." Steele smirked, his eyes flying over my surely flushed face

"That it was." I grinned, turning around and pulling the chicken from the oven and setting it on a couple pot holders "is the living room set up for movies?" I asked, checking the rice before removing it from the burner

"Yup." He mumbled, watching me move around the kitchen "look, Ace-" he was cut off by the door opening and everyone walking in

"Do you not knock?" Josh asked, looking at Lexi

"We practically grew up here. If we knock, momma Kelly and George lecture is on how we're basically their children too and how we shouldn't have to knock on the door of our adopted family. None of us do, our families are all basically one big family." Kira explained as she grabbed a plate from the cupboard and took some chicken and rice

"Ace, baby, I love you." She grinned as she happily started eating her food

"Well, grab a plate." I chuckled, pointing to the stack in the cupboard Kira had left open. I waited until everyone had some before grabbing my own and sitting down between Kira and Sarah

"Where the hell did you learn how to cook?" Luke asked after swallowing his food

"My mother." I explained. The rest if the meal was silent, except for the scraping of knives or forks on the plates.


I'd put the dishes in the dishwasher before going to the living room where everyone was trying to pick a movie

"Half the people in this room would end up asleep if we started with one of those!" Josh argued, pointing to the movies Lexi had in her hand, "Flika", "Dreamer", and "Ruffian"

"Well the other half's gonna end up with nightmares if we watch those!" She retorted, motioning the films in his hand

"How long have they been arguing?" I asked, sitting down next to Kira

"Since we gotnout here." She explained, watching Lexi throw a movie at Josh, catching him in the shoulder

"Alright! Josh choose a movie, Lexi you can choose which one we watch next." I bargained, everyone else nodding along with me. We all changed before running back downstairs to watch the movie, each of us sitting in pairs. Kira was using Rivers legs as a pillow, Luke's arm was curled around Sarah's shoulder, I was curled into Steele's side, and Lexi was sat between Joshs legs and leaning back against his chest

"If I get nightmares I'm waking you up." Lexi told Josh as he hit play on the remote

"Okay." He smiled, wrapping his arms around her shoulders as the movie started.


"Josh you fucker!" River yelled, throwing a cushion across the room

"Sorry, but I couldn't help it!" Josh laughed as Lexi slapped his shoulder

"Don't be such a prick!" Steele hissed, reaching over and slapping the back of his head

"Well I'm sorry the movie scared the girls!" Josh exclaimed, hugging Lexi. Sarah was crying and hiding her head in Luke's chest, Lexi was sobbing into Josh's chest, Kira had tears sliding down her cheeks while River tried calming her down, and Steele had pulled me into his lap and was holding me tightly as I shook

"It wasn't the movie you twit! It was the fact that when you came back from the washroom you jumped up from behind the couch and yelled boo!" Steele hissed, rubbing my back

"Okay, I'm really sorry, and I promise that I'll watch any movie you want without complaining." Josh apologized, standing up to go put the next movie in

"Ruffian." Lexi mumbled, standing up and sitting down beside Steele and I

"He's an ass." Lexi mumbled as she laid her head on my thigh

"He isn't always, but he has his days." Steele grinned, rubbing her back as well as mine. There was popcorn all over the floor from where we'd thrown the popcorn bowl at Josh. I'd hit him, and the throw was strong enough to knock him on his ass

"What's so good about Ruffian? Wasn't she just another washout race horse?" Josh asked as he picked up Lexi and carried her back over to the other couch and sat her down on his lap as the movie started

"Watch and see." Sarah mumbled, watching the intro.


"That was horrible!" Luke exclaimed, tears sliding down the cheeks of all four guys. Us girls had been crying for a while, and they'd been trying to calm us down. They lost it when she woke up and thought she was still running, and hurt herself beyond repair

"How can you watch this without losing your hope in God?! How could he do all that to one filly?!" River cried, clutching Kira. Josh and Steele said nothing as they cried and hugged Lexi and I as we bawled

"This is what you get for scaring us." Lexi sobbed, holding onto Josh's shirt as she cried into his chest

"Okay, I'm sorry. I'll never do it again." He mumbled, his voice thick

"There are three guest rooms. You guys can figure out who's where." I sobbed slightly as I stood up and made my way to the lights

"I'll crash with Sarah." Luke mumbled, packing Sarah up the stairs. River and Kira agreed they'd share a room, and Lexi said that since this was Josh's fault he got to share a room with her so if she had nightmares she wouldn't have to leave her bed

"Guess that leaves us." Steele mumbled, picking me up, my legs around his waist and arms around his neck, and carried me up to my room

"No sex in this house tonight please! I'd like to be able to sleep!" I yelled as we walked down the hallway. There were murmurs of agreement before Steele kicked my door shut and laid me down on the bed before shutting off the light and crawling in beside me

"Goodnight." I sniffles, curling against him

"Night." He mumbled, kissing my shoulder.

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