Chapter 14 - Last Days

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Third-Person POV

1st August 1996

Draco opened his eyes, finding Tilly still wrapped in his arms and sheets on their bed messed up and half off the bed. We had a lot of fun last night. Draco thought, looking down at the ring on Tilly's finger. The beautiful dainty silver ring, with the signet and gems. It is perfect, just like his girl.

"I know you won't hear this, but I wish I could marry you today. I get that stupid mark in two days. Then my life is over. I already know I'm going to be awful to be around, if not at first, then eventually, and I understand you'll dump me and end up with Fred or something. But for now, this is my wish to be here with the love of my life." A single tear rolls down his cheek as she looks down at his sleeping beauty lying in his arms.

Tilly woke up an hour later and went downstairs to find Bellatrix waiting for her.

"Yes, Bella?" She bows her head chuckling, and clears her throat.

"The Dark Lord wishes to see you." Tilly nods and goes to the fireplace and floos over to Riddle House. She pushes the doors open and walking into the dining room.

"Dear one, thank you for coming."

"Of course, Uncle." Tilly walked closer. "What is it you wanted."

"To discuss Draco's task." She gulped, dredging this conversation. "I realised the other day that you are my biggest threat, and you are also Dumbledore's biggest threat. Luckily for me, you are on my side, so I'm safe, but only once Albus is dead." Tilly nods sceptically at what he's saying. "I'm saying; Draco will have to kill Albus Dumbledore." Her breath catches in her throat; palms go clammy, the room started to become smaller, the air thinning around her. Tilly tried to take in air but couldn't; her lungs wouldn't let her. The room started to go black until she could only see the underside of her eyelids.

Slowly Tilly opened her eyes, finding Voldemort and her Dad talking while Draco sat beside her. His eyes were red and puffy; he'd been crying when he found Tilly had fainted.

"Princess," He scoots closer and lets Tilly rest her head on his shoulder. "You frightened me. How are you feeling?" Tilly looks at Draco, then the two other men and everything comes back to her, and she's ready to blow.

"I'm fine. I need a minute alone with you." Tilly glares at Voldemort. Draco and Snape frown, confused why Tilly needs to be alone but wasn't given a choice when she forces then out of the room and slams the doors after them. "No! He's not doing that!"

"Yes, he will, and if he fails, he will suffer even more." Tilly tries to hold in her anger but is struggling.

"I don't care what Lucius did; Draco hasn't done anything; he's 16, for Merlin's sake!" Voldemort was starting to lose his patience.

"I know you care for him, but he had to do this and that final."

"No! I haven't bowed to you and never will. I am your equal, and you will listen to me!" Tilly loses everything. Her hair turns white; her clothes change into black robes, skin an even paler white, almost a sickly colour. He eyes the most terrifying, a glowing red that pierces souls that dare look at her.

Draco and Snape rush back in, seeing Tilly rise into the sky and watch as Voldemort points his wand, only saying defensive spells. She lets a ring of energy go and knocks Voldemort to the ground, and he concedes.

"Fine, he still does that task, but Snape and you will guide and be there for him." Tilly's eyes shut and are back to normal when she lands and opens them again.

"I'll live with it. But just remember, I'm stronger than you'll ever be." Tilly snaped, then turns on her heel and leaves, slamming the doors after her.

After getting back to Malfoy Manor, Snape had yelled at Tilly for losing it and risking her life, but he was only worried, and Tilly understood that, so she didn't get angry at him. Draco had ignored her for most of the afternoon after finding out what his task is and watching Tilly risk herself for him. Tilly is sitting by the fireplace and thinking about the trouble they will be in for the next while. Draco silently comes inside and sits beside her.

"Please, never do that again. You scared me when you threatened him." Tilly looks at Draco, frowning, not realising what he meant. "I mean, he can hurt people and you. I know you are stronger, but I don't like it that he can kill you or any of us at any time." She sighs and leans on him, resting her head on his neck.

"I'm sorry, Baby. I'll try, but I will always be here for you. Always."

"Always and Forever."

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